subject: The Cmps Way To Massive Success In Your Business [print this page] Now that we have submitted our video to video submission sites, what do you do next in your quest for massive success in your business?
If you have been following my articles, then you probably already know the answer. If not then let me tell you and save you the suspense.
Turn your article/video an audio file and submit it.
Thats it! This is exactly what the so called "gurus" do. They take one form of media and reprocess it into different forms of media. In other words just repackage it and sell it again.
There are literally millions of ipod users out there that are tuned into and waiting for exactly what you have to offer.
This is convenient for lots of people if for no other reason than that it is so portable as opposed to video. (Even that is changing rapidly with the access of video on cell phones.)
But the best thing about this step is that there is so little work involved. If you already have your article and video then you can literally read and record the article or take the sound file from the video.
All that is left now is to submit it. Again this is not rocket science. Do a search online on how to upload podcast. As is my habit, I have provided a link for a video tutorial on my blog.
You can click on my link in the resource box and go directly to my blog. Look for the link for uploading a podcast.
Now of course you can always hire someone to record it for you and if you like they can even write a script to your satisfaction. If I were you, I would try to do it myself first. There is nothing like learning and experiencing it for yourself.
However, if you really are uncomfortable doing such things and you have a little money to invest, then by all means hire professional voice talent. There is the advantage of saving time. Believe me I know how it is. Maybe you have a job and family and your time is limited. Rather than release a sub-par recording, pay a little and make it the best it can be.
In the end, prospects have to get the sense that you are trust worthy and can help solve their problem. Whatever it is.
Audio is a wonderful and unique tool in your campaign to massive success. Dont put it to the side because of lack of confidence or time.
I can remember as I was getting started in the business of internet marketing. I had no idea which direction to go in or what program I should become a part of. A lot of times the determining factor was hearing the voice of someone that, made all the difference in the world. Perhaps you have experienced that as well.
So I hope that has helped alleviate some of your fears. If you want to build success in your business feel free to contact me. You will find my email address on my blog as well. I will be glad to help you in any way I can.
Look forward to you checking out the next step to achieving massive success in your business!
by: Joseph Lawson
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