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subject: Family Aid For Common Children's Accidental Trauma [print this page]

Near the Spring Festival, parents are busy with work, and the baby was climbing up and down on weekdays more lively and actively. A baby may occur accident harm. Happening accident harm, parents should do what? How to handle the wound? What kind of wound needs medical treatment?

Scratch: called getting a slight bruise

The wound representation: skin surface is chafed, with a little ooze blood. Bruising area is larger, look red, but parents need not to worry, because the actual bleeding is very little.

Scratch reason: The knees scratch for babys fierce run from a fall is the most common.

Family urgency: the need to do is clean the wound tissue, because the dirty thing embedded is easy to cause infection. With filtered water flushing wound, remove dirt. At the same time with warm soapy water you may clean surrounding skin of wounds. After the wound is rinsed clean, we should daub iodine. Let the wounds naturally expose to air, wait for heal.

Whether you need go to the hospital: small shallow scratches at home can be disposed of. If the wound is big and dirty, can't I clean dirt, we are required to hospital for treatment.

Laceration: called breaking a cut

The wound representation: wound is deep; the skin is opened, bleeding more.

Laceration reason: the baby's head against the table leg lead to scalp is broken, running and jumping to fall lead the mouth to break, and finger is cut by edge tool.

Family urgency: the need to do is stop bleeding. If it is a small wound, use a woundplast, if the wound is large, use sterile gauze, sanitary napkin or clean towel to cover with the hand, then directly press bleeding place, press 10 to 20 minutes, stop bleeding.

Whether you need go to the hospital: after stopping bleeding, you had better take baby go to a hospital to check, let doctors to determine whether he needs stitches and a tetanus shot.

Contusion: called bruises, haematoma

The wound representation: outwardly skin is complete, no wound, but subcutaneous tissue has damage, cause the skin to appear bruises or hematoma.

Contusion reason: scalp hematoma caused by babys drop .is the most common.

Family urgency: within 24 hours of trauma, there should be a cold compress the injured area. 24 hours later, we can use Chinese traditional medicine to disperse blood clot. At the early of Injury we can just use cooling, do not suggest pressing. Because press knead will make subcutaneous hemal dilate, increase blood loss, aggravate symptom.

Whether you need go to the hospital: you usually don't go to hospital. If it appears hematoma, we should use cooling treatment within 24 hours.

by: Emma111

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