subject: Types & Effects of Breast Cancer [print this page] Types & Effects of Breast Cancer Types & Effects of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer occurs due to mutations within the DNA of normal breast cells that encourage abnormal cell reproduction or limit ability of the cell to control the growth, this results in formation of tumors. The exact trigger that begins the process totally depends upon the causes of breast cancer in an individual, besides there are several other risk factors. Therefore, one should try to collect information about the disease that he or she is affected with. One can collect information on breast cancer through heath centers, reading books regarding health related topics or avail of disease related information from an expert. Taking proper care of oneself at home can be of help along with ongoing treatments.
Signs of breast cancer can include a lump, an area of thickening, or a dimple in the breast, and very less common signs include breast swelling and redness. A lump that is painless, hard and has uneven edges is more likely to be cancer. The classic symptom for breast cancer is a lump found in the breast or armpit. An aggressive type of this disease, inflammatory breast cancer, grows in sheets or nest of tumor cells that invade the skin and can resemble a rash. And other symptoms of breast cancer such as pain in the nipples, nipples may appear turning inward, thickening, scaliness or redness of the nipples or breast skin and irritation.
Types of breast cancer have different type of causes and symptoms and will need different kind of treatments. Breast cancer can be either invasive or non invasive. Invasive breast cancer is characterized by cancer spreading out to other parts of the body other than the site in which the cancer originates. These cells usually enter the lymph vessels and blood vessels and travel to other body parts, where they create malignant tumors. Non-invasive breast cancer patients have a very high survival rate. Cancer cells in non-invasive breast cancer are confined to the site where the cancer originates, and does not spread to other parts. There are mainly three areas where breast cancer can originate from. These are the milk ducts, milk producing lobules and connective tissues. Not every type of breast cancers starts in ducts or lobules. Less widespread types may occur from the breast's sustaining tissue, as well as the fibrous connective tissue.
Most effects of breast cancer are obvious even as the survivors or patients try to put themselves back into the society and lead a normal life. This is especially so as most women consider their breasts to be an important part of their femininity. Besides this, they have other constant feelings of introversion or hopelessness, anger or extroversion, depression and some even in need of psychiatric treatments. Breast cancer remains largely undiagnosed in women due to lack of predominant symptoms like blood stained discharge from nipple area, dimpling in the skin, liquid discharge from the nipple area. For avoiding effects of breast cancer in routine life sufferers must have to follow some necessary steps that can reduce breast cancer disease. Women should have a basic mammogram on a regular basis, as this is the most effective test, together with self examination for breast cancer at home, breast cancer risks mostly occur in those who have a family history related to the disease.
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