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subject: Global Telecom Consulting Report 2009 [print this page]

Telecom consulting services have enjoyed significant growth in the last 3 years, with telecom players having to keep up with technical advancement, increasing competition and the evermore complex converging services. These trends have increased telecoms service providers requirement to bring in external expertise.

The worldwide telecom consulting market grew by 13.9% in 2006 and again by 9.5% in 2007 bringing the sectors total value to US$11.98 billion in 2007. The sector has enjoyed a sustained average growth of 10.3% since recovering from the crisis which ended in 2003.

This 90-page report will give telecom managers and consultants around the world the information they need to develop winning and informed strategies to compete and succeed in the resurgent telecom consulting environment. This exclusive and ground-breaking report provides you with an in-depth analysis of the world's Business, IT and Telecom consulting markets, including revenue forecasts, trends and opportunities on a region-by-region basis and defines 6 key actions to beat the credit crunch and survive as a telecom consultant.

Our report then presents the 2004-2007 telecom consulting revenues and market shares of the top 30 telecom consulting firms followed by a detailed competitive analysis of 39 key telecom consulting players, supplying you with information on their 2006-2007 telecom consulting revenues, number of employees, world presence, productivity, service offerings as well as an insight on what makes them successful.

Last but not least, again this year our report outlines the results of our telecom consulting survey, which was completed by 109 consulting customers and 123 telecom consultants. These results will provide you with customers' and consultants' opinions of the industry's trends and upcoming opportunities.

This report is an invaluable source of information for telecom consultants worldwide seeking to establish where the industry is heading in the coming years and how to successfully compete with the industry leaders.

For more information, please contact :


Aarkstore Enterprise

Mobile : +918149852585

by: Aarkstore Enterprise

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