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subject: Understanding Body Beautifying Surgery - Liposuction [print this page]

Many individuals try and diet to lose weight by eating healthy foods and avoiding over-eating. They make sure there are enough fruits and vegetables in their diet and limit many unhealthy carbohydrates and meats.

However, despite these restrictions, many are still unable to lose weight. Others try and also exercise regularly by running, lifting weights, or going on regular walks. However, they may still notice that certain fat pockets on their body remain. In order to remove certain localized fat, they consider liposuction as a last resort to lose the extra mass on their legs, thighs, and stomach.

Most individuals who choose this procedure usually try to lose around 10 pounds of weight. If they want to lose a massive amount of weight, then the doctor will take special precautions because the surgery is considered high risk. If you choose to lose a lot of weight via liposuction, you may also need additional procedures to eliminate the excess skin, such as a tummy tuck.

If you are really considering liposuction, make sure you understand all the risks and side-effects before undergoing the surgery. The internet can provide you with a plethora of valuable information pertaining to this. You can also read medical journals and magazines to fully understand what is going on while you are getting the operation done.

Many risks and side-effects can be avoided if you follow the advice of the doctor before going in for the operation. During the consultation period, the doctor will ask you about your medical history and may even ask you to get a physical examination before the surgery.

After the examination, individuals, considered of high risk by the doctors, will not be allowed to go in for the operation. If that is the case, you may want a second opinion, however, do not find just anyone to perform the surgery. Your health may be at risk. If the doctor says that you can go for the procedure, he or she will want you to prepare beforehand. Make sure you stop smoking beforehand to limit complications.

During the operation, the doctor will take a vacuum-like instrument to remove the localized fat on your stomach or on your thighs. He will most likely give you anesthesia so you should not feel much pain. After the procedure, the doctor will close the incisions and you will most likely go to an outpatient facility to recover. The nurses will monitor your vital signs to make sure you are doing well.

After they deem you healthy, you will then be able to go home and recover. Remember there are many things that you will be unable to do, so you will most likely need some assistance. Liposuction may be the answer to eliminating extra fat pockets around the body. If you follow the advice of the doctor, you should have a quick recovery.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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