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subject: Your Online Home Business, On The Fast Track To Success! [print this page]

Your Online Home Business, On The Fast Track To Success!

Your Online Home Business On The Fast Track To Success!

The old year is about to come to an end and the new year is about to

begin. Are you tired of your online home business being in turtle

mode? Are you ready to start the new year with your online home

business on the fast track to success?

If your answer is YES!, And you are really sick and tired of being

left behind, not making the money you planned you would. And if you

really want to create the success you know you deserve, then listen


All you have to do is create a plan and stick to it. You probably are

saying right now, But I have done that in the past and it did not

work! But--- have you really! Have you really wrote down your plan and

followed through with it? Be honest with yourself! You must write down

a plan for your online home business, follow through and see it in

your vision as being complete.

Vision In Ink, Plan In Pencil

Your vision must be wrote in ink, and your plan is pencil. As you

start to finish each step of your plan, it may change. Times change

and so does the way people market online. So you need to write your

plan in pencil, as it will be changing. However, your vision of

success, if it is truly what you want, will never change.

Your first step is to focus on your vision of success. Then from that

vision, write your plan on how you are going to accomplish it. You

have to plan your work and work your plan.

Take 100% Responsibility

Your second step is to accept 100% responsibility for these plans to

be done. As many distractions as there are with having an online home

business, you cannot blame others if you fail. If your friends keep

calling, if your kids keep distracting you, if you spend all day

reading your emails, the only one to blame is yourself.

Family and friends are very important, but you have to set a time

aside for them, and for your business. You have to treat your

business, like a business! Tell your friends and family that between

these hours, I am working. Turn off your phone, shut your door and

most of all do not open your emails until all your work is done.

212 Degrees

Third step, become more productive. If you become one tenth of one

percent more productive each and every day, that will amount to twenty

six percent every year. This may not sound like much, but it adds up

doubling your productivity within two years.

It is just like the story of what it takes for water to boil. At 211

degrees, water is hot, at 212 degrees water boils. And with boiling

water comes steam. And with steam you can power a locomotive. Just

that one extra degree can make all the difference.

So if you are one tenth of one percent more productive each day, which

makes you twenty six percent more productive every year. Can you

imagine if you put in just one percent more of your time into

productivity every day? Think of how much more you would accomplish

and how much faster your online home business would become a success.

That is not much extra time per day for getting on the fast track.

There is a saying that goes, by the yard it is hard, but inch by inch

it is a cinch!

Do It!

Last, commit yourself right now to taking on that extra one percent.

Do one more percent of personal development, of marketing education,

of advertising, of reading a book. One more percent of anything that

will take you on that fast track to success.

Remember to be patient and never loose focus of your vision. Learn

and do a little bit more each and every day and your life will take on

a whole new meaning of success!

by: Julianne Rowat

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