subject: What Doctors Can't Tell You is Finally Coming Out [print this page] What Doctors Can't Tell You is Finally Coming Out
There was a woman who went to the doctor for a problem her daughter was having. She asked her oncologist if it was OK to give her daughter Coriolus Versicolor PSK. Her doctor told her that it was no problem, and that, in fact, a number of his patients had successfully used that supplement for their immune system. Naturally she wondered why he didn't tell her about this product a year before when they came to him.
Unfortunately, doctors can't tell you this or any "natural or alternative health therapies" and stay employed. Insurance regulations preclude such suggestions. And the doctor could get into administrative trouble with the American Medical Association (AMA) by recommending natural, non-drug treatments. Their advice is strictly controlled by the large medical industry that makes billions of dollars selling expensive drugs and treatments. This is an industry that doesn't look favorably on natural supplements or other treatments as they cannot patent them to make high profits. In fact, there are hundreds of documented reports where the pharmaceutical companies intentionally hid information on viable (and proven) alternative herbs and supplements because they worked better than their drugs, and the sales of those supplements conflicted with drugs they already produced.
You need to watch this video by Gwen Olsen about just what's going on behind the scenes in the medical industry. Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page to see Gwen Olson's amazing report on just how drug companies work.
I believe that less than 20 years from now, many of our current conventional treatments now used by doctors will be seen in the same light that we view the old medical practice of using leeches to cure illnesses. Many prescription drugs and other treatments can actually damage cells and tear down and weaken the immune system. The problem is that your immune system is already weak, and that your cells are already damaged from whatever your illness might be. That's why in both Europe and Asia, doctors frequently prescribe supplement like Coriolus Versicolor PSK/PSP. And, here's the real test. In those countries, some supplements are actually paid for by the medical insurance companies.
They understand that immune system. Unless it is supported by supplements, exercise, less stress, and diet to help it recover, will be in worse shape than ever.
Most doctors in the US ignore or are not allowed to prescribe sensible, safe and healthy treatments for cancer with supplements like Coriolus Versicolor. Instead they recommend costly and illogical treatments. They advise and prescribe what they know. Sadly, some are just lazy, unwilling to do the little reading and research to validate supplement and alternative treatments so their patients will have better choices. Most are locked into the AMA and FDA so tightly they risk losing everything if the "buck the system".
You go to them and you get what they have been taught. You assume they will do the best they can for you, while in fact they only do what the system teaches them, promotes, and allows them to do.
Doctor's Shocking Closed-Door Confession
A survey of 79 oncologists from McGill University Center in Canada, found 64 would prefer not to consent to some of the standard drugs and treatments that are common practice today. Behind these closed doors, 58 oncologists said, given the option, they would reject all the current trials being carried out by their establishment.
Why? Because they understand of the ineffectiveness of some standard drugs and treatments and their unacceptable degree of toxicity.
Real Example of How the System Works
This information is shocking but true. "Don't question the system", today is not much different than it was 200 years ago. For example, back then the common practice was for interns and doctors working on cadavers to walk down the hall to deliver a baby without washing their hands. Many died from the subsequent infections. Finally a doctor figured out what was happening, and had interns wash their hands. The infections stopped. When his findings were published, the medical profession was outraged. "Good doctors could not be the cause of something like this." Believe it or not, that doctor was ostracized and ultimately fired. He went elsewhere and repeated the experiment. Again, deaths dropped. Again he announced the results, and again the medical profession rose up against him. The end of the story was, he lost everything, went insane ultimately committed suicide.
So, don't expect your doctor to buck the system. The professional and financial risks for them are too great.
If you'd like to learn more about supplements that work to build and balance your immune system go to There you will see some of the amazing testimonies from people that have successfully rebuilt their immune system. Learn about the over 400 clinical studies from universities and research centers all around the world that have been done on Coriolus Versicolor PSK/PSP. You will be amazed.
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