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subject: Triple Your Chances to Become an EU Translator or Interpreter – Arboreus Set to Launch EPSO Verbal Reasoning Practice Tests in YOUR Mother Tongue [print this page]

Triple Your Chances to Become an EU Translator or Interpreter – Arboreus Set to Launch EPSO Verbal Reasoning Practice Tests in YOUR Mother Tongue

Triple Your Chances to Become an EU Translator or Interpreter Arboreus Set to Launch EPSO Verbal Reasoning Practice Tests in YOUR Mother Tongue

BUDAPEST, Hungary July 2, 2010 With the introduction of the European Personnel Selection Office's (EPSO) new recruitment competition system in 2010, linguist candidates (translators and interpreters) will be required to take verbal reasoning in their mother tongue and two other languages at EPSO's upcoming competition, to be announced within weeks.

Arboreus Online EU Training is proud to announce the upcoming launch of EPSO-style verbal reasoning tests in 6 new languages. Together with the current offering, Online EU Training will be the first in Europe to offer verbal reasoning in 8 languages, namely Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Polish and Spanish with a global database of over 7500 questions.

EPSO is expected to announce, in 2011, that its so-called pre-selection (or admission) tests will be administered in all 23 official languages of the EU, offering candidates the chance to take these exams in their native languages. With practice test and preparation materials in 8 languages, Online EU Training will be able to help candidates succeed at EPSO tests in languages representing almost 400 million European citizens, that is, 80% of the EU's 495 million population.

With over 35.000 users and 7500 practice test in the database, Arboreus Online EU Training is Europe's number one provider of quality practice and preparation materials for candidates in EPSO competitions. In addition to verbal reasoning in eight languages, numerical and abstract reasoning and situational judgement tests, we offer multiple-choice questions in more than fifteen topics in English and French, as well as study materials for EPSO preparation, tips & tricks, articles and e-books on preparation methods and best practices. Our European affairs jobs section and e-learning service will also launch shortly.

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