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Become Self Employed With Free Business Grants

Become Self Employed With Free Business Grants

Each and every year the United States government sets aside billions of dollars to invest in the various types of small business grants awarded to taxpaying American citizens just like you and I. Many people are apprehensive about buying into the idea of the government actually giving away free money, but indeed they do, and plenty of it.

I can understand the skepticism; I too was once skeptical myself. It's a hard thing to believe after all, the government giving us money. For decades we've commonly associated the US government with taking our money away... in taxes. What very few American citizens realize is that a great part of that tax money that we find so hard to part with goes directly into government funded business grants programs where it then sits there waiting for us to ask for it back.

Most American citizens over the age of eighteen are eligible for some form of free government money and don't even know it. Particularly when the funds requested are being utilized to establish a promising new business. However, the government is not going to come knocking on your door offering you thousands of dollars and their support in your new business venture.

They don't even advertise this free government money, which is a likely reason why so many individuals are reluctant to believe it exists. But it does, and in quite generous amounts and there are very few requirements to qualify for free small business grants.

Once you've established which grant programs you are eligible to apply for, if you carefully follow the application procedures and meet all requirements (again, there are few), you may be likely to receive a generous amount of free government money to start your new small business, or expand your already existing one. You can apply for as many as you're eligible for and there are no limits to how many grants, or how much funds you can receive.

Should you be turned down for one, don't be discouraged. There is likely another grant program that will award the same amount of funds, for the same purpose, if you happen to fall into a different category. It's all about knowing what category you fall under. Here are some examples;

You are a Native American looking to start a business - You can apply for a small business grant from the Native American grant programs providing you have a CIB certificate. If you don't, you can apply for a regular minority grant.

If you are a woman of any ethnicity - Not only would you be eligible to apply for a numerous amount of women business grants, you are also considered to be a minority (regardless of race or heritage) and may also qualify for various minority business grants and loans.

If you are a single parent, male or female - You actually may have the upper hand here because there are a plethora of fantastic programs designed to assist the single parent with child care and other valuable services in addition to cash awards through single parents grants programs.

These are just a small handful of scenarios in which free government money is available to the enterprising new businessperson. There are literally dozens upon dozens of other grant programs that provide substantial amounts of funding to those who are driven towards success in the business world. If you are one of these individuals, I recommend doing an online search for small business grants, or follow the links above. Find out which categories you fall under and

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