subject: TheFinalMatrix - A Review [print this page] TheFinalMatrix - A Review TheFinalMatrix - A Review
Well here comes another pyramid scheme being touted as a legitimate, noteworthy, and unique network marketing opportunity. I was searching the internet for new opportunities to review when I got a pop up, and here came this guy talking about the "unique" compensation plan of this new company TheFinalMatrix. This really gets old folks, 22 year old kids using their internet knowledge to pump out one pyramid after another trying to gather as many suckers as possible in as short a time as possible before the scheme comes to an end.
This time they are pulling out all the stops. Even the age old trick of announcing that the company will not launch until January so "you can recruit people NOW and the company will pay you for those people when we start". WOW! How about we all just write the company a check and ask them to go away and spare us all the cliches and tricks in the book.
First off, TheFinalMatrix compensation plan is NOT unique. It's just another pyramid matrix where you sign up 5 people on your first level, then those 5 sign up 5 for a total of 25, and then, guessed it...those 25 sign up 5 for a total of 125. Boy this is so unique I can hardly stay awake! It's a shame that there is nothing "FINAL" about all these pyramids.
If you want to compare that opportunity to a compensation plan which truly is unique, check out One24, which is a company headed up by Mark Seyforth. He is not a 22 year old kid, in fact, Mark has a resume which includes about 30 years of networking experience including spectacular success in the legendary Herbalife company. Plus, One 24 is a single line matrix, and 2 weeks after you join, you are likely to find several thousand individuals in your downline because of the...(you guessed it)... UNIQUE...compensation plan. Anyway, One24 is a legitimate company with a LEGITIMATE product and a legitimate, experienced veteran of the internet marketing industry. Folks, if you want to get into MLM or Network Marketing, look for the word "legitimate".
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