subject: Information on the Prevention and Screening of Cancer [print this page] Information on the Prevention and Screening of Cancer
Cancer is a six letter word that commonly arouses visions of death, disability and despair. Synonyms are often used to avoid the word because of the emotion it arouses. Many health professionals refer to a tumor, growth or malignancy instead of referring to a cancer. They sometimes use the term neoplasia or Catalyst Oncology meaning the study of tumors.
However with the breakthrough in science and technology, it has created a positive attitude with a focus on what can be done and not on areas in which little control exists. In all areas of care, hope exists. Perhaps hope for cure is not realistic in all cases. But hope for as optimal a quality of life as is possible can be achieved.
An idea often misunderstood is that cancer is one disease. Instead, cancer is an umbrella term for a group of more than 100 pathologically and epidemiologically distinctly different diseases in which the mechanisms within the cell and its microenvironment that are responsible for growth are defective. Cancer begins at the cellular level. If unchecked, it progresses to involve and interfere with functions of tissues, organs, and body systems.
Prevention and interference with carcinogenic process reflect knowledge and incorporation of theories describing the multistage cancer process. Research strategies of oncologists and other scientists include efforts to identify cancer-causing agents and strategies to remove these agents from the environment or decrease their presence. Moreover, they have made further studies on how to interfere with the metabolic processes that transform and activate carcinogens and also strengthen host defenses to prevent carcinogens from reacting with body target sites.
Environmental factors have been identified by many researchers as being responsible for as much as 80% of all cancers in human. If this association is correct, with most cancers having external causes, then theoretically these cancers are preventable. Environmental factors include the air breathed, food consumed, chemicals related to industry and the geographic region in which one lives. Thus, environment refers to all factors other than genetic makeup.
Cancer screening refers to a method for discovering diseases. The goal of screening is to detect diseases before signs or symptoms can develop. Screening involves assessing asymptomatic individuals and is performed without complicated diagnostic tools that are used to examine symptomatic individuals.
Several general principles must be considered when screening for diseases. First of all, the disease must have specific recognizable characteristics. Moreover, a cost-effective screening test must be available and an effective treatment for the disease must exist. Lastly, the amount of disease in a pre clinically detectable stage must be high. Screening should focus on people at high risk for developing cancer.
Persons who have symptoms commonly associated with cancer should have a thorough examination to determine the significance of the symptoms. The goal for screening and early detection is to discover the presence of this medical condition at its earliest possible stage. When abnormalities are detected, additional tests need to be performed to determine the presence or absence of the disease. That is why you need to know the important points on the prevention and detection of cancer so that medical attention can be given as soon as possible.
Cancer is a medical condition which scares you if you do not have the right information about it. This condition can be prevented or detected at an earlier stage. Find out more updates and news about this condition at
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