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subject: Southern California, A Beautiful Place To Live [print this page]

When we moved to Southern California, from Louisiana, we thought we had moved to Shagrala. We were within 30 minutes from the ocean, 15 minutes from Disneyland, we would ride our bikes on Saturday afternoons to Knottsberry Farm. Knottsberry farm in the mid-seventies was free admission. We would walk through Independence Hall, visit the old mining towns, pan for gold and enjoy the shows, occassionaly we would pay for a few rides.

Disneyland in the early 70's was extremely reasonably priced, we went about 3-4 times every year. Each person would buy a book of tickets, each ride had a letter value attached to it rated "E" through "A", Also priced accordingly. "A" tickets were a whopping $.10 cents and "E" tickets the most expensive at $.90. Big rides like Pirates of the Caribbean , Jungle Cruise , Its a Small World, Space Mountain and Matterhorn would cost an "E" ticket. The "E" tickets were most coveted, nobody ever went home with any of these left. An Adventure Book cost $5.25 for an adult and an child was $4.75 this was good for eleven attractions. For about a dollar less you could have 9 attractions.

The "C" ticket got you on Peter Pan Flight, Mad Tea Party, Mr. Toad, Snow White and The Tomorrow land Autopia. Next in line for value was the "B" ticket with Casey Junior Train, Alice in Wonderland, and our families favorite, Swiss family Tree House which is now Tarzan. I couldn't find what the "D" and "A" tickets did for you, but I know we always went home at the end of the day with "A" tickets left over.

We lived 15 minutes from Disneyland driving but not too far "as the crow" flies, in fact we would sit in the window sill of our two story home and watch the Disneyland fireworks at night.

The beach is where most of my teen memories occurred. I spent days, weeks and months with friends watching the guys surf by day and make bon fires by night. We would sit on the beach and listen to the trains go by periodically, always dreaming of hoping on one and seeing where it took us. The beach is where I went for comfort and solace.

We moved to Orange County because it had reasonable office space available and ended up having a magical childhood. What a great co

by: Art Gib

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