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Home Based Business Opportunities Article - Watch Your Knees

Home Based Business Opportunities Article - Watch Your Knees

I know that the title of this home based business opportunities article has a lot of people scratching their heads. Are you one of them? Well, don't worry yourself. By the time you are through with reading this article, you'll know where am heading. Certainly, you DO have to watch your knees when you are operating your own home based business. Keep reading for more information.

I have the most horrible computer setup in history. I first launched my online home business back in the day when I really didn't believe I was going to take it very seriously. Well, a few six figure years later, I am left with no choice than to take this very serious. The issue is, I'm too lazy to upgrade my computer setup as well as arrangement. I have this desk that I use to place my keyboard on. The PC and monitor are on a speaker and another table. So what's the trouble?

The desk that has my keyword where I sit has some very hard wood legs attached to it. Every once in a while I would stand up too quickly to go and get something and end up hitting by knee on one of the legs. Well, in the long run, I got fed up of doing that so I printed out a note in large black bold letters WATCH YOUR KNEES and pasted it on the table where the keyboard is. That way, I always see it BEFORE I get up. This reminds me to always watch my knees when I do get up.

So what's the point and what does this have to do with YOUR home based business opportunity? Well, let's face the reality. Except you have a steel trap mind, you are most likely to forget small things like this. In most cases, it will be something critical.

What you want to do is write out some sticky notes or print something out and tack it to your wall. If it's something that has to do with your home business you can save it on your computer, that way you won't forget anything you have to do for that day. Make your notes and print them and tack them in a visible area or whatever place you won't forget. Then, when the task has been successfully executed, remove the reminder and toss it. If it's something you do on a daily basis, keep it up.

Believe me, if you don't watch your knees when operating your home business, you're going to end up with banged up knees!

I hope you enjoy this home based business opportunities article.

To YOUR Success,

John Benjamin

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