subject: Causes And Treatment Of Sensitive Teeth [print this page] Human teeth are naturally strong enough to withstand pressure and sudden changes in temperature. Sometimes, though, this isnt the case. Many people suffer from tooth sensitivity, a condition that causes discomfort whenever hot or cold food is consumed. People with sensitive teeth also experience some degree of pain when biting or chewing hard and crunchy food.
Although tooth sensitivity can be caused by a wide variety of factors, this problem most often arises when the tooths middle layer becomes exposed. The tooths middle layer, or dentin, contains nerve branches connected to the tooth pulp. Poor oral hygiene and brushing teeth too hard can expose these nerve branches, making them sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. Sometimes, the tooth pulp itself is sensitive to heat and cold. This is often caused by recent dental fillings or severe tooth decay.
Many cases of tooth sensitivity can be cured at home. You can easily get desensitizing toothpaste over the counters of local drugstores. After a few weeks of using this special toothpaste, your teeth should experience less sensitivity. Sensitive teeth can also greatly benefit from toothbrushes with soft bristles. Using soft toothbrushes ensures that you dont inadvertently damage your teeths protective enamel.
If desensitizing toothpaste doesnt work for your teeth, however, you need to consult a dentist for treatment. Sensitivity from just one tooth is also a symptom of root canal damage, so the opinion of a professional dentist is needed. The many dentists Hixson, Tennessee can offer are available for any Hixson resident needing dental assistance for sensitive teeth.
dentists in Hixson are licensed professionals who can conduct tests on your teeth, to determine additional causes and possible treatment for tooth sensitivity. Patients who need root canal treatment to reduce or remove tooth sensitivity have no reason to be afraid; dentists use effective sedation techniques to ensure that the patient is comfortable during the procedure.
If your teeth are highly sensitive, it may be in your best interest to visit the dentist as soon as you can. Residents of Hixson, Tennessee can easily locate lots of Hixson dentists to help relieve the discomfort and pain tooth sensitivity causes.
by: AnthonyMaples
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