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The Intelligent Home Business Development Through Several Threshold? - Smart Home - Security

Control4 and Icontrol We understand from abroad Smart Home Development of the industry some cases, and when foreign intelligence Home Development of the industry was gaining momentum, we need to think about the question: Is the domestic industry and the intelligent home Enterprise Development has not ordered forward, what kind of confusion they face it, we are checking out the following:

A smart home business is still at it alone in the Product Production stage

Now our smart home business is still at it alone product production stage, but has not developed into their own to concentrate on one area. If some companies can focus on doing software development, intelligent home, some companies do focus on product research and production, some companies do focus on the system Solutions So. Each company focuses only on areas donors do their own, then the development of the whole industry will accelerate.

Second, speculation was rampant, particularly those Home Appliances Company

For the smart home industry speculation phenomenon, said many before us, while the particular appliance manufacturers a more serious speculation. As the home appliance manufacturers a more solid capital, invested heavily in a big way is to start publicity. Appliance manufacturers often pay more attention to intelligent information network appliance control, and for true smart home control systems, control of home appliances are just a small part of it, such publicity would mislead consumers. Whether smart home smart home banner manufacturers or banner of some home appliance manufacturers, we hope that they can be "realistic" Do not over-hype.

3, the real strength of the weak R & D company, able to Market Expand

In the industry, the real focus on product research and development companies often weak and limited financial resources, no ability to carry out large-scale marketing. These companies may have a good R & D results, but without effective marketing, it is impossible to develop like big.

4, are passively waiting for market opportunities

Smart home business after years of market development, and unable to obtain a more ideal market returns, they cultivate the market very hard. Now, most businesses could not afford any on the market has a lot of money, only to maintain a basic promotion, or even just "chipping away" by the publicity, they can not afford to go to create opportunities for active, only passive The wait for the market opportunity.

5, manufacturers lack the spirit of innovation

Domestic manufacturers a general lack of intelligent home the spirit of innovation. Whether in product development and process design, or in the intelligent control solutions, enterprises are lack of innovation, which in enterprise development is key to fatal. Hope in future development, enterprises can more focus on innovation, so that only long-term business development.

By the foreign manufacturers lack of understanding of the application of the domestic market, do not want to enter the country

Smart home development in China in recent years, but foreign companies have been smart home "outside" wait and see, do not come. One reason is that foreign manufacturers that the domestic application of the smart home market, a lack of understanding, do not want to enter the domestic market. However, the lack of competition from foreign firms, domestic market development, intelligent home still in need of polishing. We should be home smart home industry for more publicity, so that foreign companies are able to understand, once their presence, I believe that the domestic market, the smart home will immediately become active again, progress comes with competition.

by: gaga

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