subject: Saving Money with a Magnetic Generator [print this page] Saving Money with a Magnetic Generator Saving Money with a Magnetic Generator
There are many other alternative methods of producing energy. One of the cheapest or least expensive methods of producing electric energy is with a magnetic generator. A magnetic generator is a machine or device used for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and based upon the Principle of Electromagnetic Induction (i.e., discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 where an electric current flowing through a conductor as copper wire thus creating a magnetic field; or in our scenariothe operation in unison of a motor, two opposing magnets and one balancing magnet, and friction which converts a magnetic field or magnetism into electrical energy or power). Note that mechanical energy is the sum of potential energy (or stored energy) and kinetic energy (or energy of motion) within components of a mechanical system. The spinning motion of the motor within the generator produces magnetic force or a magnetic force field. This continuously or perpetually working device or machine will produce much more power than it requires for it to work. Magnetic generators work in the same manner as other power or electrical power generators work. Keep in mind that a magnetic generator works independently producing free energy continuously and you will not need any external electric power source or any other machine to operate it properly.
However, the emphasis here is all about savings; a lot of money can be saved if you have your own magnetic generator to produce electric power for running appliances and equipment in the home. A great amount of electric power, from magnetic energy, for household consumption can be produced too. Magnetic power generation is safe for household use and the performance and functions of products requiring electric power within your home. The output of the generator is also very productive and efficient. There are no side effects associated with the use of magnetic generators in the home; you do not have to worry about hazardous or noxious gases and chemicals, or the dangers of radiation exposure.
The magnetic power generator has many advantages being that it is a free alternative energy resource. It is easy to build and maintain as well as it does not take up much space in your home. All of the material needed to construct one can be found in your local hardware store. A magnetic generator works on its own power so that it does not need external energy or power sources like solar energy, wind energy, or light energy do. In addition, construction is not expensive and the generator's performance is often much better and efficient than other traditional power sources. It will reduce your electricity bill, increase your savings and return on investment (ROI).
In conclusion, using a magnetic generator is safe for all members of your family including small children and your pets. Best of all, magnetic generators have zero environmental impact. And this renewable type of energy will save you money supplying electric power to your home or office.
If you would like to make your own generator, then you will not need to spend a lot of money or time doing so. There is a lot of easy to read informational material available that shows how to build your own generator and which components you will need to successfully begin producing power from home.
Further Information: Magnetic Energy Generators
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