subject: Orthodontic Treatment [print this page] Orthodontic Treatment Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that has been around since early times. But it was never recognized as a science until the late 1800s. And even these days, many people hesitate to get consultation from an orthodontic specialist because of the common misconception that orthodontics is just for people with money and people who are preoccupied by their looks.
If we were to live a day in a world where the science of orthodontics was never invented, we would undoubtedly be surprised by the amount of people with malocclusions (or improper bites) that we thought had naturally perfect teeth. The truth is that nearly four million people in the United States are wearing braces at any given time and 25% of them are adults. Many of us have benefited from the skills of an orthodontist to help correct problems with our teeth.
Orthodontics treatment is not easy to afford as it requires an expensive dental care, it is hard to afford orthodontics treatment without opting for any dental care coverage plan.
Bullying is endemic among schoolchildren, and the effects can be devastating and long lasting. The persistently bullied kid shows a definite psychological type, with poorly developed social skills and a submissive nature. Physical appearance acts a major role in bullying. Teasing related to dental appearance is hurtful. Fortunately, there is evidence of a marked increase in self-confidence following early orthodontic treatment in youngsters.
Although people have been studying teeth and attempting to straighten teeth for thousands of years, orthodontics didn't really exist as a science until the late 19th century. However, the foundation of this science began a few hundred years earlier with early versions of orthodontic devises. In 1728 a French dentist named Pierre Fauchard published a book called "The Surgeon Dentist." In his book Fauchard devoted an entire chapter on ways to straighten crooked teeth.
Most of the cases that end up being orthodontic referrals are caused by genetics: where a person is simply born with misaligned teeth. The degree of misalignment here varies, from what are considered 'variants of the normal' to really bad cases, like where both rows of teeth (the upper row and the lower row) are completely out of place.
An orthodontist is a dentist with specialised training in orthodontics or braces. An orthodontist should be registered with the GDC and regularly attend further training in orthodontic treatments such as clear braces (CL) or Inman Aligners.
Invisalign is a unique method used to straighten your teeth without using wires and brackets. This system makes use of a series of clear invisible plastic aligners and is considered an excellent substitute for conventional metal braces. Invisalign is designed with the help of three dimensional computer imaging technology based on the bite impressions of your mouth. These aligners enable slow movement of your teeth into appropriate positions; these are to be changed every two weeks.
One of these useful temporary devices are braces. Braces have been used for decades to solve a host of dental problems, such as crooked teeth, misaligned upper or lower jaws, and even for the treatment of temporomandibular joint conditions, or TMJ. There are a number of people who grow up with a set of teeth that weren't able to develop properly or evenly, upper and lower jaws of dissimilar sizes, and pressure caused by TMJ. With braces, teeth can be aligned to their proper positions, jaws straightened, and beautiful smiles improved.
In the recent years, more and more kinds of braces have become available to a more discerning public. These have included the standard metal braces with metal wires and brackets, ceramic braces with brackets manufactured from ceramic material, and clear braces custom-designed to be nearly invisible within the mouth. The latter are popular with adults and also go by the name Invisalign.
Another type of braces have hit the market lately. This latest model does away with the lengthy period of time, usually two to four years, that a person needs to wear them on their teeth. People who first encounter the 6 month braces usually react with suspicion and disbelief. How can the long and uncomfortable period necessary to achieve the perfect smile be shortened to a mere 6 months?
There are three orthodontic tips or guidelines to help parents avoid complex treatments in the future. These tips are making the patient feel more involved about the cure by making braces hip; next tip is making the children used to this and the last would be about the importance, advantage or use of having an early treatment.
Early treatment is the best option because later on it will cost you much more as the problem will aggravate. You can search for cosmetic dentistry orthodontics and you will come across a number of orthodontics offering world class services at affordable prices.
Ceramic brackets are made out of composite materials and are not easily stained. Many people, especially adults, use ceramic brackets because they are tooth-colored and blend in with the teeth. The rubber bands, or ligatures, used to hold the wire onto the brackets are usually clear or white in order to blend in with the bracket and the teeth. The ligatures can stain, but if you do not smoke, drink, eat a lot of curry, or drink large quantities of black coffee you generally don't have anything to worry about. The ligatures are also replaced at each visit, which is usually monthly.
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