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Decorating Ideas for Christmas

Decorating Ideas for Christmas
Decorating Ideas for Christmas

Aren't we all looking for decorating ideas for Christmas? Putting up the tree, hanging the wreath on the door and stringing the colored lights outside get us in the spirit - snow or no! try something new this year. Make your own decorations! has some great ideas for kid-friendly crafts that you can do in your own kitchen and that will get your home holiday ready!

Evergreen wreaths are so gorgeous, but they can be really expensive and they don't last long. Why not get creative this year and make your own Christmas wreath. You can purchase a wire wreath frame in most florists or craft shops. also sells them. All you need is a spool of hobby wire and a basket of pine cones. Separate them into three groups according to size and begin wrapping wire through your pinecones and twisting them into place along the frame. Start in the center with the smaller cones and work your way around and outward, saving the larger cones for the outer edge. Finish the wreath with a coat of clear varnish.

Consider making a nut wreath with assorted nuts in their shells from your local grocer. They are in season. Depending on the size of your wreath frame, you may need several bags. Drill a small hole through one end of the nut and string a 4 inch long piece of hobby wire through each hole. Once all your nuts are strung with wire, start in the center with your smallest nuts (usually the chestnuts), wiring each nut to the frame and snugly positioning them closely together. Do a whole row around and then work your way out with successive rows of almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts and walnuts. Once you have completed your wreath, be sure to give it a hand of varnish and let it dry well. A red or gold ribbon would look awesome as a final touch to either wreath.

Christmas is a time for family and family activities! Get started early with family holiday crafts! You will love the results and your kids will love the fun! Who knows, you may even get good enough to give them as gifts next year or to start a business making holiday wreaths! Enjoy!

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