At Becky's Pet Care, we want the holidays to be a happy time for you and your pet, not a time for an emergency visit to your veterinarian. The food and decorations that make the holidays so much fun for us can be dangerous for your pet. Remember in these crazy times to make time for your pet. If you don't have the time to walk your dog,consider a service that can take this chore off your list. Beckys' Pet Care in Arlington offers dog walking services. Pets are always happiest when kept on their schedule and surrounded by familiar sights and sounds. Scheduling a few extra dog walking trips can help your pet release their stress and make the holidays easier for them. To really tire out your dog you can also visit one of the Arlington dog parks.
With all the upcoming fun, please be aware of the holiday hazards that can harm our pets. Holiday Treats and Dinners: Bones from fish, meat, or poultry can cause problems if swallowed. Other foods to keep away from pets include: onions and onion powder; alcoholic beverages; coffee grounds and beans; salt; macadamia nuts; tomato,chocolate... Grapes and raisins contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys.
Holiday plants: Many holiday plants can be poisonous to pets. If ingested, holly (leaves and berries) causes stomach upset and can be potentially fatal to both dogs and cats. Mistletoe upsets stomachs and can cause heart collapse, while hibiscus may cause diarrhea. Poinsettias have an irritating sap that can cause blistering in the mouth and stomach upset.
Decorations: Ribbons, yarn, and string can cause intestinal obstruction. These conditions require surgery and can be fatal. Ribbons around your dog's neck may be cute, but they can also be dangerous. Potpourri contains oils that can be toxic to dogs if eaten. We Candles can cause burns and fires. Never leave lighted candles unattended or within reach of your pet.
Christmas Trees: Tree needles can be toxic and cause mouth and stomach irritation. Even needles and the wire of artificial trees could pose a problem. Be sure your dog is not chewing on branches or eating fallen needles. Do not let pets drink the holiday tree water. Some may contain fertilizers, and stagnant tree water can harbor bacteria. Tree tinsel's shininess is attractive. When eaten, it can cause blockages, which often require surgery to remove. Leave it off the tree altogether. Chewing on electrical cords, including light cords can cause problems ranging from burned mouths, to electrical shock.
Remember these tips and keep your pets safe and happy this holiday season. A gift of dog walking services for dogs in Arlington or other parts of Northern Virginia can make your dog especially happy!
Happy Holidays!
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