subject: Pbks 4u Provide Self Employed Services [print this page] PBKS 4U provide the services for those people who work for themselves rather than others. A self employment is where a person works for themselves rather than some one else or a company that they do not own. To be self-employed, an individual is normally highly skilled in a trade or has a niche product or service for their local community. The amount of money spent on self-help, self-improvement and training materials has reached the billions in the past decade. We helps them for their skills by there quality they become independent. A self-employed person in the United Kingdom can operate as a sole trader or as an incorporated limited liability company. It is also possible for someone to form a business that is run only part-time or concurrently while holding down a full time job.
We provide the schemes for the self employed people for this they become independent and create there identity in the market .this scheme has been specially designed to provide self-employment and providing technical and financial help, to the educated unemployed youths by setting up self-employment venture through Industry, service sector and business trades. There is many profitable project schemes one is from that is One Lake are covered under the scheme in case of individual. If two or more eligible persons join together in a partnership, the project with the higher cost would also be covered, provided that the share of each person in the project cost is not more than Rs. One Lake. In such cases, total project cost may exceed rupees one lake. The upper ceiling will be rupees five lacks.
Self employment is a vehicle for reaching your dream life. PBKS 4U self employed services helps you to convert you dreams into practical. Most small business entrepreneurs feel excited when they start a business. A fully expression of their spirituality through the business, and the achievement of greater levels of prosperity. Whatever your current book keeping levels, we will always work alongside you and make the process of transferring information to all as simply as possible. We have a large number of self employed clients and give an extremely personalized and informative service.
by: Kind Regard
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