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How To Get Pregnant - natural way to get pregnant

How To Get Pregnant - natural way to get pregnant

Some couples seem to get pregnant, just talking. For others, it requires patience and luck. If you're wondering how to get pregnant, start the good old days. This is what you need to know - and when to seek help.

Understand where they are most fertile

The design is based on a complex series of events. Each month, hormones from the pituitary gland to stimulate the ovaries from releasing an egg, or ovulation. Once the egg is released, he went to one of the fallopian tubes. If you want to design, it's time. But how do you know when you're ovulating? For many women, is like hitting a moving target.
How To Get Pregnant - natural way to get pregnant

Keep an eye on the calendar

Use your agenda day or another simple calendar to mark the day of your period begins each month. Also the number of days each period lasts. If you have a constant 28-day cycle, ovulation is likely to begin about 14 days after the date of your last period began.

If your cycles are somewhat long, subtract 18 from the number of days in your shortest cycle. When your next period begins, count ahead of the two days. Next week is a reasonable estimate of their most fertile days.

Benefits *. Calendar calculations can be done simply on paper.

Cons *. Many factors can affect the exact time of ovulation, including illness, stress and exercise. Counting days is often inaccurate, especially for women with irregular cycles.

Watch for changes in cervical mucus

Just before ovulation, you may notice an increase in secretions, vaginal slippery - if you look. These secretions typically resemble raw egg whites. After ovulation, when the chances of getting pregnant are slim, the discharge will be cloudy and sticky or disappear entirely.

Benefits *. Changes in vaginal secretions are often an accurate sign of impending fertility. The simple observation - especially in the vagina - is all you need.

Cons *. Judging by the texture or appearance of vaginal secretions can be somewhat subjective.

Track your basal body temperature

Is the temperature of your body when you are completely at rest. Ovulation may cause a slight increase in temperature - usually less than one degree. You are most fertile during the two or three days before your temperature rises. You can assume ovulation has occurred when the slightly higher temperature is stable for three days or more.

Use an oral thermometer to monitor your basal body temperature. Try the digital variety or one specifically designed to measure basal body temperature. Simply take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. Draw a graph paper and reading to find a pattern to emerge.

Benefits *. It's simple. The only cost is the thermometer. It is often useful to determine when you've ovulated and judge if the timing is consistent from month to month.

Cons *. The temperature change may be subtle, and the increase is too late for design - after ovulation has already occurred. It may be inconvenient to take the temperature at the same time each day, especially if you have irregular sleeping hours.

Try a kit ovulation predictor

testing testing-the-counter ovulation urine for the surge of hormones that occurs before ovulation. For best results, follow the label instructions carefully.
How To Get Pregnant - natural way to get pregnant

Benefits *. Ovulation kits can identify the most likely time of ovulation, or even give a signal before ovulation actually happens. They are available without prescription in pharmacies.

Cons *. Ovulation kits often lead to excessively targeted sex - and sex of time so precisely can invite being too late. For some women, the cost ovulation tests is prohibitive.

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