subject: Available Discounts To Save On Car Insurance [print this page] Auto insurance doesnt have to cost you a ton of money; in fact, most companies offer many different ways to save on car insurance premiums that you may not ever have been aware of. With the current economy and people needing really to save every single penny they can, consumers are looking for any kinds of tips and methods they can use to keep more of their money in their pockets. Here are some of the most common cost saving options you need to take careful note of:
The Safe Driver discount is for those who have a clean driving record. This is one of the best ways and biggest discounts to keep insurance costs down. There is also the Safe Automobile discount, which most companies are going to offer and base depending on the safety ratings of your vehicle. If you are considering purchasing a new car right now, check with your insurance agent to see which cars are considered to be safer and lower in risk. Low risk cars are not going to just have good safety ratings, but they are also those that are mechanically sound and are not in the top 10 stolen cars list. Keep in mind that sports cars are more high risk. They are smaller too, which means that people are going to suffer more severe injuries if they get into an accident in them.
If you dont drive much, you are much less likely to have an accident than someone who drives their vehicle 200 miles every day. If you carpool, ride your bike, walk or use public transportation, you need to let your agent know that. It is probably going to reduce your rates! There are different statistics that are used for people too that impact how much they pay. For example, single teenage boys have higher rates than a married woman who is over 25. Why? Statistically, the teenage boys get into many more accidents!
If you have a good student on your policy, most insurance companies offer a good student discount on the vehicles of the home. When you approach your agent about this Good Student Discount, be sure that you have a paper with you stating the students current GPA.
One final word about how to save money on car insurance: Many people automatically go with the least amount of coverage they can afford without investigating their options fully. This is a terrible idea for a few different reasons: What if you total your car and have to pay a massive deductible that you cannot afford? What if you total your car and the company doesnt pay to replace it because you refused comprehensive coverage? You have to make sure that you balance these discounts with your budget so that you wont pay too much of a premium but also so that you wont get stuck forking out more than you can afford for a deductible.
by: Phoenix Delray
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