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subject: Dedicated Web Hosting Services Provided By [print this page]

Dedicated Web Hosting Services Provided By aims to provide the best dedicated hosting services in the United States and over the past fifteen years it has slowly but steadily made its way to the top of the league. Customers might want to know exactly why dedicated hosting server is necessary. The chief reason lies in the fact that it provides the perfect way to own a server and at the same time escape the trouble of dealing with the hardware. Dedicated web hosting in effect shows greater flexibility when it comes to the hardware, operating system, backup or RAM than the virtual service provider. This is because the customer has full control over the server.

The initial installation and configuration settings will be provided by the programmed installation system and the technical support. Once the process of installation has been completed the customer is the one who will be responsible for the running of the server. With a Windows operating system this initial process should be completed within half an hour. For clients who have to run custom software or even a website with high availability, dedicated hosting provides the complete freedom to host as many domains as can be supported by the hardware. In addition the client has complete control over the servers inner functions. provides a highly experienced, efficient and reliable technical support team. The team ensures that the clients hardware is operating all the time. Any sudden breakdowns or faults will be immediately corrected and repaired. On top of this, clients are able to use the server, run services or even install software. The reputation of the company lies to a great extent on the reliability of the technical support team.

There are four packages available to customers looking for dedicated hosting. These are called Mark I, Mark II, Mark III and Mark IV. The Mark I is the most affordable being priced at $ 174.95. Mark II is priced at $209.95 while Mark III is priced at $259.95. Mark IV is the most expensive of the lot and comes at the price of $389.95. Each category has special top and core features and the price depends on the specifications provided. All the services however come with complete guarantee when it comes to customer satisfaction and a 24-hour technical support is provided for all the packages. Hardware replacement too is guaranteed. Every single dedicated server is provided with five routable IPs. Further information can be found on the official website at

by: Vengeful George

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