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subject: Bum Marketing As An Online Home Based Business Opportunity [print this page]

Bum Marketing As An Online Home Based Business Opportunity

If you're looking for a different way to create another income stream for your online home based business or for a way to develop a new strategy for making an income on the web you may want to look into bum marketing. Bum marketing has been around for years but the term bum wasn't coined until 2007 when Travis Sago created a marketing course explaining how to implement the concept and called it bum marketing because as he said it's so easy a bum could do it and make money.

The basic concept involves using articles, classified ads and other Internet marketing techniques to sell affiliate products. Confusion enters the picture because some people believe bum is just article marketing, when of course it isn't because it involves using other forms of advertising as well.

Because its main objective is to sell affiliate products you could better describe it as a form of affiliate marketing rather than article marketing. Article marketing is simply one of the tactics used in the bum marketing technique.

There are other differences between bum marketing and article marketing including the fact that the bum method is concerned mainly with making sales and making money whereas article marketing is a longer term technique for creating back links as well as building a reputation for the author as an expert in his or her particular niche.

Article marketers are more concerned with the quality of their content than bums are because their goals are longer term whereas bums only want links in their content directed to their affiliate offers so they can make sales. The article marketer is more concerned with generating search engine traffic through their articles while the bums want as many people as possible to click their resource box link and follow it to their affiliate products.

With these differences in mind there's no reason why an Internet or affiliate marketer can't use both techniques. The bum can use the more traditional article marketing to promote their reputation and their home business website online while the more traditional article marketer can indulge in the bum technique to make some immediate profit through affiliate sales.

When it comes to making money with bum techniques the main strategy involves writing articles based on low competition key words with a link to their affiliate product sales page contained in the resource box. When their readers click on the link and buy their product they receive a commission.

Click bank is a great resource for merchandise for the bum to promote. They can select the most popular products in their niche from the wide array of goods available on click bank's website and advertise them to their readers. However, there are many other alternatives available to choose from when looking for merchandise to promote on the web.

The simplicity of bum marketing has made it a popular alternative for many home business owners online especially for those people who are new to the e-business world because the vast majority doesn't have a product of their own to promote and this technique provides them with all the merchandise they need.

by: Bob Withers

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