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Six Tips For Success In Your Home based Business

Six Tips For Success In Your Home based Business

Six Tips For winnerIn Your Home based Business.

Have you ever wondered why 95% of the people who get involved in network marketing quit? The reason for this is because they spend more money than they are making (i.e. expensive autoships, the cost of replicating company websites, expense of going to events, and lack of proper training on how to network and how to market). Hint, hint, clue, clue the industry tells you what you need to do in the title, Network and Market!!

Now 5% of Network Marketers are out there bringing in a 6-7 figure income while you may be saying why not me. In this article I will give you six tips to help you to become successful in the industry so that you do not become a casualty of the industry. Remember this if you take the business as a hobby your income will look like a hobby income.

Why is 95% failing and 5% making 6-7 figures?

The difference is that Amateurs sell, while Professionals Market. Once you figure that out, you will proceeded to learn how to market like a Professional.

Here are some tips that I will share with you about Professional Network Marketers and how to become successful inNetwork Marketing so that you don't become a statistic.

Tip #1

Professionals utilize online advertising tools or systems to work for them 24 hours, so they can enjoy a regular life. With the proper tools and systems in place, professional marketers will have an endless supply of prospects chasing them. This is called building a list of contacts, this is requesting your information and your knowledge.

In contrast, Amateurs fail to leverage the power of advertising and marketing. They chase family and friends, spend time on social networking site pitching their business at any and everyone with no system in place to sort or build a list. Remember sitting on Facebook and adding friends of other leaders will not get you the success you're looking for.

Tip #Two

Professional Network Marketers also know how to promote and advertise to their target market. They don't have a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing themselves and their opportunity. Professionals use different marketing strategies to reach their audience.

Amateurs Marketers don't know about marketing so they take the approach of lets just talk to anyone and see if they are interested (kind of like throwing mud against a wall and what ever sticks they keep). Typically Amateurs will go out and talk about their products then their business ,they send people to replicated company website, they cast a large net to the general public, hoping to catch a few fishes. This shows no system and no list building tools. If you have to always be a part of the system then it's not a system. A system will work with or without you. Remember McDonalds has a system. You can buy the franchise and never have to be there to make money and that is how you should want your business to run.

Tip #Three

Professionals have a marketing funnel for their prospects, so that they only deal with highly qualified leads. The marketing funnel is another tool that saves the professional time, and increases their income.

An Amateur will ask what is a marketing funnel!? Is that something you pour beer through LOL. Want to see what a marketing funnel is and how it works, opt in on my website .

Tip #Four

Professionals market the solution to people's problems, they don't sell a company. They will sell a vision not a product, they will sell lifestyle not a life. Professionals understand the psychology of people and the psychology of sales. They know that people are only interested in the benefits that comes to them from what you are offering. They want their problems solved, so you must learn to listen more than you talk to be a professional.

Amateurs will puke on their prospects about their company and their products, their pay plan, how much they make etc. Then they wonder why they are not making money and closing sales.

Tip #Five

Professionals have a step-by-step system in place that equips the new business partner to make money. They also mentor and produce new independent leaders in their business.

Amateurs do not have a simple system or a professional training forum for their new people to plug into. They end up running and adult day-care because people become solely dependant on them. They will train their people to do the same thing. This will develop a stagnant team and group because you don't have enough time in a day to cater to all those people.

Tip #6

Professionals are constantly training and improving themselves. They attend marketing trainings, personal development, conferences and company events. Their vehicals become traveling Universities. Go to a Professional's home and take a look at what they read and watch. You typically will find tons of books about the industry and people. Professionals understand that their product is people.

Amateurs usually attend one event or training, and think that's it. They don't buy books to learn about the industry and about people. They don't invest back into their business. They think they are doing the upline a favor by being in the business, they are always looking for a handout and not a hand up. One event or training is not going to make them a Professional.

Think about this, if your doctor went to medical school for only one week would you let him cut on you? Then why would you expect success from one week or month in your business? This is an ongoing process. This is not a thirty day, wait and see type of industry. You need to make a long term commitment to this system and industry. What ever your profession is, it took time to learn to be effective at it. This is no different starting up in this industry.

Visit my blog and see how my team and myself have dominated the marketing word,learn more about our marketing system. This system will help you to dominate the industy.

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