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Capture a Man's Heart—Take This Advice to Paradise

Capture a Man's HeartTake This Advice to Paradise

Do you have what it takes to capture a man's heart? Does he resist your efforts to win his love? Is there a way to make him still feel like the hunter while you unlock his reluctant heart and make his love for you flow? This game has been going on since the dawn of man and woman, but there are as many losers as there are winners. So find out how the winners do it, and get ready to capture a man's heart.

You can't hurry love.

You need to understand and be sensitive to the way that men fall in love. He is desperate for your touch and blown away by your femininity right from the get go, but this is far from love. Even the most gentle and sincere guy will discover that binging on the cookie jar right away leads to almost immediate disinterest. It's human nature for men. Mission accomplished, see ya later. He will think he fell in and out of love, but in reality he was never touched by love at all. So give him time, and a reason to love you.
Capture a Man's Heart—Take This Advice to Paradise

For men, love is not what they think it is. They think that you are the embodiment of love, and if they have you they will have love. But no. Love is not contained in you; love is between his ears and in his heart. It comes as a surprise to him. He discovers it in himself after you have become part of his life, his comfort zone, and his thoughts.

As long as he sees love as something outside of himself that wants to trap and control him, he will fear and resist it. Once you activate that emotional and social bond with him, he will relax and let his defenses down. It is at that point that he will discover that his heart and soul are already filled with love for you, and he will gladly and fearlessly share it. You will capture his heart by capturing his mind.

You need to build the whole relationship at the same pace, with physical intimacy as the crowning touch. Try to interweave the adventures of your life with some physical closeness, with boundaries. Excitement is good, but let him long for you and build his desire. Mete out your kisses and touches, and take breaks to allow him to come back to earth before his natural drive pushes him past the point of no return.

Let him feel the cold vacancy you leave behind when you leave his side for a few minutes. Give him small helpings of your controlled passion. Keep the conversation about real life, and don't scare him with talk of love. Your kisses are proof enough of your feelings for him. Always keep building the relationship, and, for now at least, the romance will take care of itself. Later on, you may need to reverse the priority.

A man does not want to be captured or trapped, so it is a tricky proposition to capture his heart. If you do it the right way, his heart will not feel captured; it will feel like it has been set free.

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