subject: Could Autom Help You To Take Control Of Your Diet? [print this page] Could Autom Help You To Take Control Of Your Diet?
This personalised fitness coach produced by Intuitive Automata - is the latest in the line of robotics that have been designed to help dieters lose weight.
Named Autom', this personalised little robot works primarily by monitoring your food choices and exercise regime, whilst providing regular words of support to keep you focused towards achieving your weight loss becoming healthier.
And assessments of Autom are already proving promising
During a study between dieters who use their iPhones/the internet to track their weight loss, to those who utilised Autom; Autom users doubled the length of their diet. Essentially the difference between being described as a yo-yo dieter to achieving your perfect size
How does Autom ability to lose weight?
Built using a the latest in artificial intelligence, slimmers simply supply the quantity of food they eat and how often they exercise each day, and Autom assesses their progression, offers helpful techniques and supplies consistent phrases of advice.
Yet, it is not perfect
Soon to be available in the US in December 2010; dieters will have to pay as much as $500 to buy, as well as have to find an extra cost to be able to manage the optional subscription that will enable them to upload their data through other devices or via the internet.
Additionally, whilst this humanoid robot has been proven to help dieters to stick to their diets for time, there is no credible proof that this weight loss will continue.
For long term weight loss it is always recommended that you follow a nutritious, stable diet of all the key nutrients, and exercise often. However, if you are finding it hard to get in shape, the guidance of a clinically proven dietary supplement such as Proactol could help.
Proven through 6 extensive medical research to bind up to 28% of your dietary fat intake, Proactol can also help you to curb your appetite, cut your LDL cholesterol and decrease your calorie consumption by 450 calories per day.
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