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subject: Protect Yourself From The Most Popular Acai Berry Scams! [print this page]

Protect Yourself From The Most Popular Acai Berry Scams!

During recent years the Acai berry has received more than its far share of press, and not all of it has been good. Recently, the Acai berry has caused much controversy because it was dubbed a wonder berry, efficient at achieving extreme weight reduction and invincible health benefits to people who partake of this small berry. Other people will say that the Acai berry has no more wonderful properties than that of a grape and definitely will vehemently deny any gain from eating the berry at all. The fact of the matter is somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. Many people wish to know the truth about the Acai berry and its abilities. People also need to be aware that there are a variety of scams associated with the Acai berry, all of which are aimed to con you out of hard earned cash. There are many common Acai berry scams.

The Acai berry is a small, purple berry, a lot like a blueberry and it is found generally in Brazil. One of the reasons this small berry has become surrounded with so much controversy is because it includes high levels of antioxidants, fibre and protein together with essential fatty acids the body needs to survive. The high protein in the berry can cause higher levels of energy for those who partake of the berry and the high levels of fibre can help aid digestion. Both of these may result in increased levels of energy as well as an all round enhanced feeling of well being. People claim that it's these two factors that will result in the much discussed weight loss. Is this really true? It's true that eating Acai berries regularly may indeed produce weight loss. But this will only be due to the higher levels of energy one could experience and the Acai berry alone wouldn't result in a dramatic weight loss. So as to cash in on the Acai berries reputation in promoting weight loss, some companies are mixing the Acai berry with substances that can accelerate the weight loss process, for this reason you always need to be sure to check what the product contains, some substances may cause harmful side effects or could even be damaging to your health.

Another claim and potential Acai berry scam is that the Acai berry is very expensive and so one may have to pay a high amount to be able to receive Acai berries. Is there any truth behind this statement? It's not always true plus in fact, it's proven that Acai berries could cost as little as blueberries!

It's true that Acai berries contain higher levels of antioxidants than other fruits and thus may result in an improved immune system and may assist to prevent common illnesses like the common cold. Whilst the Acai berry is a wonderful way to increase your levels of antioxidants, just be careful while looking for a supplier and safeguard yourself from the Acai berry scams!

by: Robert Deans

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