subject: Tips For Storing Your Yarn [print this page] When you begin a crafting addiction, you never expect it to take over like it does. However, one skein of yarn turns into ten. Pretty soon ten morphs into a pile that fills a bin and the bin joins others on a shelf. Before you know it, you need a dedicated room for all your yarn! While you're not exactly sure how that happens, you suspect that they are actually breeding behind your back. However it is that all that yarn got there, the odds are that you're not going to get to all your projects right away and you'll need to store it somehow.
If you're like most fiber aficionados, you use several yarn suppliers to pad your stash. It's likely that you are not only shopping at your local craft, fabric and fiber store, but also ordering from your favorite online shops. You need a quick and accurate way to sort and store each purchase. First, you need to know what the fiber content is. Wool yarns have different properties than cottons, for example. It is best to store each type together. You also may want to further distinguish between color families or planned projects if your stash of yarn is that extensive. It's also a good idea to put your most used yarns in the most accessible part of your storage system.
There are several different ways to store yarn. The ideal will depend on your craft area and even your own preferences. The main concern is to keep your skeins out of direct light and away from moisture. You also need protection from pests. Moths love wool and mice can easily chew an entire skein of cotton yarn. If you don't indulge in your fiber hobby frequently, you will probably want to use a type of covered storage like bins. Keep them in a cool dark place, definitely not your garage. If you do knit or crochet frequently, you will probably be okay with a more accessible system like shelving or racks. You can easily see what is available and also keep an eye on potential damage.
When it comes to storing your supplies, there's really no right or wrong way. As you progress in your hobby, you'll get a feel for the most convenient method for your own needs. In fact, you'll likely change systems as your craft evolves. Your yarn suppliers should clearly list fiber content, so keep an eye on that and try to put like items together. Other than that, have fun and happy crafting!
by: Cheryl Dawson
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