subject: Recognizing ADHD Signs And Learning What To Do So Your Child Is Protected [print this page] Recognizing ADHD Signs And Learning What To Do So Your Child Is Protected
Your child's teacher may be the first one to indicate that there could be an ADHD problem with your child. There may be notes about his being disruptive in the classroom and other ADHD signs such as forgetting homework or not doing it all and also talking and chattering in class. It is when these symptoms start to become permanent and have a duration of more than six months that ADHD should be considered as a possibility.
However, the ADHD signs should also be present in other settings. There could be problems at home where he tends to be aggressive and violent with his siblings, chattering and squirming. You may also notice how he or she fumbles with everything. Then there are temper tantrums and aggressive behavior.
One of the ADHD telltale signs is where this strange misbehaviour which is in stark contrast to the other siblings is actually getting in the way of your child's development and certainly seems to be behind the other children in comparison.
If this is more than a suspicion, you should have your child properly tested for ADHD and not be satisfied with a visit to the pediatrician's office where a cursory ten minute consultation finishes with a prescription for medication with amphetamines drugs. If that is the case, you need to start taking steps to protect your child and to make sure that he is getting the best possible and most effective treatment.
We can protect our children by making sure that they are not slaves to medication. Medication may be all right in the short term and may indeed help with relieving the symptoms of restlessness, helping the child to concentrate and also helping him to be less impulsive.
But we are not really protecting our child from getting into trouble if we leave it at that. The effects of medication may wear off after three years. Dr. Pelham's work at The University of Florida clearly shows that. There are other problems in that your child may be approached to sell his drugs and there may be risks of a drug abuse but certainly it is not a great way to protect him from toxic company.
In addition, we may not be protecting our child's health just by relying on these medications. The stories of Ritalin and Adderall side effects are well known. We also learn from Dr. Pelham's research that children on these drugs are about 20% more likely to visit the doctor for heart problems. The FDA has responded by putting the maximum black box warning on all these meds.
The best way we can protect our child and make sure that he grows up in a healthy way is to put a child behavior modification course at the top of our list. This is the only way we can equip him for life.
The next thing we can do is to is to make sure that the medication option we choose is the least harmful in terms of side effects and in long term health risks.
So, there you have it. If your child has been properly diagnosed and you want the least harmful option as regards medication, take a long hard look at homeopathic remedies for ADHD because they could well be the answer that you are looking for. Why not check this one out now before you forget?
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