subject: Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2013 by [print this page] Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2013 by
Demand for IT security products and services have been witnessing exponential growth for past few years, owing to the increasing deployment of IT-enabled business solutions. Moreover, rapidly increasing cyber attacks on the websites of the government and enterprises has made it necessary for them to have an updated and strong IT security infrastructure in order to secure their vital information from malicious cyber attackers. Fast Internet adoption in various emerging countries is also fuelling the demand for IT security products and services worldwide.
According to our recent research report "Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2013", amid global economic slowdown, growing concerns over IT security among all sized organizations helped the IT security to grow positively in 2008 and 2009. Our report estimates the global IT security market to worth nearly US$ 60 Billion in 2009, which is further projected to grow at a CAGR of around 12% during 2010-2013.
Giving brief overview of IT market on global as well as country level, the report thoroughly studies the importance of IT security market in all the countries studied. Various factors that will drive the IT security market in future have been comprehensively discussed in the report.
The segment-level analysis reveals that IT security software market holds the major chunk in total IT security market. This segment accounted for nearly 44% of the total IT security market in 2009. However, in coming years, the major growth driver in total IT security market will be IT security services segment. This segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 14%, followed by security appliances with CAGR pegged at around 13% over the forecast period (2010-2013).
On the regional front, our report indicates that the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East regions will experience significant growth in their IT security market in coming years. This growth will be driven by the rapidly growing Internet adoption and surging demand for IT-enabled business solutions in countries like India, China and the GCC region.
"Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2013" gives detailed analysis on the IT security market worldwide in terms of IT security appliances, IT security software and IT security services. Each section succinctly explains the current and future market trends in the global IT security market. The report also gives future forecast of each country's IT security industry. Besides, it sheds light on the key players in the IT industry.
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