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subject: Debt Settlement Lawsuits-should I Be Afraid? [print this page]

Debt collectors and credit card companies make the decision whether they want to file debt settlement lawsuits for large debts. But they usually consider solving the problem out of court if possible.

It is simply because legal courts give only a fraction of the financial debt that is supposed to be paid to the creditor. Also, it will require both time and money for debt collectors to prepare for the legal action. And we all know that lawyers dont come cheap!

But nevertheless, if they sue you, the first thing you have to do is hire a professional attorney to help you prepare for your defense and even try to settle the issue out of court.

Documents are Important

Sadly, some people who have debt settlement lawsuits dont even maintain communication with their creditor. Sometimes, there are lawsuit letters which you dont even open or read and that shows that you dont even have any contact with your creditor.

Gather all the documents about your credit card debt which includes the demand letters, checks, bank records, or other documentation of payment. These papers are very important when you settle the lawsuit and will give you enough details regarding the said legal action.

Debt Settlement Companies or Attorneys: Which is Better?

Most of the time, debt settlement companies promote their services to reduce your balances, get rid of the calls of the creditors and make your credit record back up. But in reality, these companies cant even give you any legal advice nor accompany you in your legal cases. Some debt settlement companies are just affiliated with a law firm but actually these expenses are directly charged to you.

Hiring a skilled and knowledgeable lawyer is the best solution. Your lawyer can give you a legal advice and he or she will understand your financial problems. Your attorney will also help you in solving your problems in your budget, the legal precedents of your balances and the repayment of your geographic area. Lawyers can also stand for you in such settlements pre-suit in which you can try to solve the case in any court hearings.

Make an Action Faster

The best thing to do is to quickly call a lawyer that handles debt reduction cases. Qualified lawyers will check your documents and will give you details for the settlement. Your lawyer will also help you solve your debt settlement lawsuits without even going to court.

Debt Free Solutions is a debt consulting company located in Long Beach, CA. We have been in business for 10 years. We assist Americans across the U.S. to eliminate excessive credit card and other unsecured debt.

We utilize various programs and strategies to aid them in dissolving their debt in the quickest, safest, and most efficient method possible. We also analyze the risk factor. We structure our programs to drastically minimize the risk that is inevitable with all debt elimination programs.

We offer our clients much more than a debt settlement company does. The vast majority of debt negotiation companies simply settle your debts on your behalf with your creditors- nothing more.

On the other hand, we provide free services to significantly help to minimize the risks that are involved wIth negotiating with your creditors.

First, we offer a free, no-risk 10 day trial service. During our free trial, we negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to lower your interest rates. Also, we research to see if you have any old debts that you are not legally liable to repay. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, you simply walk away. No commitments. No contracts.

Next, we provide a comprehensive credit repair service to all our clients. This is a $795 service that is absolutely free!

Also, we offer free attorney consultation (a maximum of five sessions) in case one or more of your creditors makes any threats.

Last, we provide a written guarantee that our clients creditors will settle for an average of 50% or more for all of the debts they attempt to negotiate.

Our services are competitively priced- and include the above free services!

(800) 668-8090

by: Joseph Hernandez

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