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subject: Chinese Home Appliance Industry Is Big But Not Strong Channel Business Wrong? - Household Appliances [print this page]

Chinese Home Appliance Industry Is Big But Not Strong Channel Business Wrong? - Household Appliances

China's home appliance industry has become a big but not strong consensus, however, channel providers and manufacturers about who should be responsible for this? Yesterday

(April 2, 2006), when China's largest four

Home appliance chain


States United States



, Yongle, Dazhong head of the seated together, as the "2006 Global GOME Appliance Forum" in a very spectacular, and Commander of the focus inevitably point in the past year, companies increasingly tense relationship.

Has entered the era of low-profit manufacturing companies seem to still look forward to a more relaxed living environment. However, suffered "channel power" after the siege of public opinion, the four chain seems determined to channel providers and manufacturers are not "zero-sum game" to find a strong argument for the proposition. In this struggle behind the manufacturing of commercial strength and the delicate balance. One of the two thought-provoking


(April 2, 2006)

, State President of the United States

Huang Guangyu

, Suning CEO Sun Weimin, president of Paradise chairman Chen Xiao and large and medium Da for the first time while in the media lens.

Prior to this, Wong Kwong Yu said that he personally Suning, Shanghai Yongle Electrical Appliances, Dazhong Electric invitation. In fact, the fierce battle in the fight for market, the four chain bloody confrontation continues, but the face of rampant "channel exploit that," joint "in camera" is of course to have a stronger voice. Because the vendors of "close as fish" seems to have faded in the "slotting allowance" account of the words were so full of controversy.


(April 2, 2006)

The same time, the two appear at the Forum, "poll" results intriguing.

In a Chinese home appliance industry's 50 most influential


The survey, affect China's home appliance industry is considered the "big but not strong," the top three reasons are: first the lack of core technology, the number of people holding this view accounted for 70%; followed by lack of


Lack of


; Competition again the order of chaos.

In yesterday's forum, the participants carried out a guest spot on China's home appliance industry, "there is no economic reasons for the scale" of the investigation, it seems to refute a conclusion, 30% of the guests that the vendor relationship is not Harmony is the root cause of this phenomenon.

Different answers, is the Channel commercial and manufacturing enterprises the best reflection of current psychological.

Many manufacturers that channel "make rules" makes difficult the development of the manufacturing sector had lost its room for profit.

As China's largest home appliance chain of control of the empire who, Huang Guangyu has bluntly said that

Made in China

Long-term re-marketing industry, light technical, not innovate, companies can only get a little higher than the processing fee profits, only the excess capacity. In this case,


Not because of increased sales and increased profit margins. Price voice whose hands

In fact, in the past year, on the channel business through the channel charges, account of,


Manufacturers exploit such debate has moved from business to business conflicts, evolved into the industry and the industry face off, the price voice is one of the sensitive topic.

"A product price of 990 yuan and 998 yuan for consumers and there is not much difference, but for this 8-yuan, distributors often have to suppress the upstream business, so that enterprises can not develop these resources into circulation difficult for enterprises to help maintain the stable development of home appliance business. "Yesterday,


Ren Weiguang, vice president of the views of representative.

by: gaga

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