subject: Safe ADHD Drugs - Looking At The Facts And Deciding Which Treatment Is The Right One For Your Child [print this page] Safe ADHD Drugs - Looking At The Facts And Deciding Which Treatment Is The Right One For Your Child
Any drug you take will have side effects and there may be risks involved. I take an alpha blocker for a prostate condition and it gives me heart palpitations at night and also lowers my blood pressure. So any drug we take is going to affect us in some way or other. But what about safe ADHD drugs?
The main drugs still used with alarming frequency and with widespread approval, it seems, by the medical community are actually controlled substances under Schedule II of the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances. The sad fact is that there is hardly any information available on ADHD drug safety.
Let us look at some hard facts here because this is important for the health of our children and also for own peace of mind. The first fact is that these drugs, such as Adderall, Vyvanse and Dexadrine actually do relieve the symptoms of inattention, lack of concentration and also hyperactivity. That sounds really great, but read on.
These so called safe ADHD drugs are actually amphetamines and as such are powerful mind altering substances. So, there may be short term benefits as I have pointed out but really the effects end there. The long term effects are practically nil after three years. All you have to do is read the results of studies done by Dr. William Pelham of the University of Florida which point this out very clearly. Dr.Pelham is regarded as an expert on ADHD worldwide so his work is very valuable in this regard.
But there are other safety issues which we should consider. We do not want our children to be approached to sell their drugs. That could mean getting into toxic company. We know, for a fact that Adderall fetches anything up to $15 a tablet on the school parking lot.
We also may not want our children taking drugs that are simply regarded as risky by the FDA. They have put the black box warning on these meds and that is the maximum that there is.
These are the facts that we cannot get away from. They are there every day staring us in the face and we have to decide if this is really what we want and if the safe ADHD drugs are really worth the risk. What price must our children pay to be calmer, more attentive and chatter less?
I can tell you a few facts about ADHD homeopathic remedies which are not only free of side effects but there are no long term health risks at all. Would you like to find out about these remedies as an alternative to the so called safe ADHD drugs so that you could consider if they are right for your child? I have explained the whole scenario on my website so that you do not have to face a steep learning curve. Happy reading!
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