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subject: Ready To Give Up On Your Home Business, Or At Least On The Parts That Aren't Working? [print this page]

Ready To Give Up On Your Home Business, Or At Least On The Parts That Aren't Working?

Running a home business online takes a lot of time and effort. You work so hard building up new skills and trying to make it all work. If you work hard and find the right market for what you're offering, you can have some pretty good success.

Odds are you'll also have some things just not work out.

It happens to everyone, even the big marketers out there. Not every idea pans out. Not every marketing plan brings in enough business to be worth the effort you've been putting into it. If you're paying attention to where your results come from, you should eventually realize it's time to cut some things out.

Most obvious is the website that isn't working out. If you keep any track at all of your stats, you have a pretty good idea as to which sites are getting traffic and/or sales. This information should make it clear to you that some ideas just aren't working out.

A website not working out means you have a couple of options. You can dump it, either by selling it on a site such as Flippa, or by dropping the domain registration and just let it go. If you want to keep it, on the other hand, you must figure out why it isn't producing and make it work.

It's not always the fault of the website itself or the concept behind it. Sometimes it's your marketing.

What are the results you're getting from your marketing? Which activities are bringing in the most income for your sites or otherwise making themselves worth continuing. If you don't keep track, you may not know this.

It doesn't matter if you've been trying something that you've been told produces fantastic results for others. The question is whether it produces worthwhile results for you. You're never going to get the exact same results as someone else, no matter how carefully you follow their plans.

Let's take article marketing, for example. It's a popular way to market a website on a budget because it can be done for free. You can do your own writing and article distribution. As things get better, you can outsource the tedious bits.

But is article marketing working for you? It doesn't work for everyone.

There can be a range of reasons why any marketing tactic fails for you. Maybe you're missing a finer point that will help it work for you. Are you doing the research and testing necessary to make it work? Do you know which sources are best for that particular type of marketing? Which customers come from that kind of marketing? Are they the ones you're really targeting?

Using article marketing as an example, there are several things that could be going wrong. You may not have done your keyword research correctly or at all. Poor keyword choices can often lead to poor results.

Your titles could be too boring or seem unrelated to your topic, leading to few people choosing to read your articles.

Maybe you just haven't developed your writing skills that well. Are you engaging the reader or reciting dry facts at them?

Is the failure at your resource box? Why is it failing? Is it not sufficiently related to the article? Is it not pointing out where you have more related information for the reader?

Once you've looked at these factors, you have a decision to make. Do you feel that you can fix the problems you're having? Is article marketing for you or no?

Sometimes the answer is no. It's not working out for you for one reason or another. Hopefully you have another promotion method you are having more success with, and so you can more easily give up on the stuff that isn't working.

You should be considering similar factors for your other marketing activities. The question comes down to which activities are bringing in the best profits for the time, money and effort spent. If you're struggling with something that is taking a lot of time but really isn't bringing in any income, why are you working so hard for it?

It's easy to be in love with the idea of a particular marketing tactic or website you've worked on for a time, and to not want to give it up when rationally you know you should. A couple times a year, at the very least, you should take a look and make sure you aren't wasting time or money on projects that aren't helping your make your goals. Focus instead on the things that are working. You can always come back to the other things later with a fresh perspective and more knowledge about the subject if you want to give it another try.

by: Stephanie Foster

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