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subject: Working From Home For an Income With Very Little Cash Out Lay [print this page]

Working From Home For an Income With Very Little Cash Out Lay

Working From Home For an Income With Very Little Cash Out Lay

Wouldn't it be WONDERFUL to go to work in your blue jeans with a cup of coffee a piece of toast or jelly roll and the whole commute takes no more than 5 seconds. OH LOVELY ! You lookoutside and see your kids, or your dog, or your new boat, or even that new car.

Oh wait a minute. How do I do all of this ? I can't afford to start an in home business. That's why I want an in home business so I can have money to do the things I want to do. STOP !! You can afford it !!

Well you can go online and look until your blue in the face or you've run out of faith looking. PUT THE BREAKS ON NOW !! What if you found something you liked, and you could afford it with out strain on your wallet. The question here is WOULD YOU GO FOR IT IF YOU COULD AFFORD IT ?

Let's say someone came up to you and said, HEY I can put you in an in home business where you can make a very welcome income a month and I'll tell you how, show you how, and walk you through each step and let you repeat any step you want until you get it crystal clear. I'm going to give you pictures, demonstrations, examples in color with sound and scratch n sniff. Okay forget the scratch n sniff. I'm going to give you the whole package for only $5,000.00. NO ? Okay how about $2,500.00. NO ? Okay let's do $1,500.00. NO ? Okay my final offer. I will give you ALL you need, WALK you through it, HOLD your hand, PAINT PICTURES for you, and do it ALL for less than a tank of gas, for a small car. And you say " I'LL TAKE IT"

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