subject: Why You Shouldn't Pay Full Price For Any Purse [print this page] Why You Shouldn't Pay Full Price For Any Purse
With the economy today, it is quite difficult to justify spending an entire paycheck on a Louis Vuitton designer purse. While many women have opted to buy fake or replica purses, these knockoffs are not everyone's cup of tea.
If money is tight, but you are determined to buy a genuine designer purse, it can be possible with the proper research and a dab of patience. One of the best ways to save money on a designer purse is to buy it wholesale. Here are a few tips to help you find that chic designer purse you are lusting after, without putting a major dent in your pocketbook.
First off, you will need an idea of the purses you want to buy. So sit down and make a list of the purses you actually want, including the model and color. Next, you will need to set your budget. You have to be realistic here. Buying wholesale may save you anywhere from 25%-75% off retail prices, but the more you want to save, the harder you will have to work.
After you have your wish list and budget set, it is time to do your research. The best place to start is online. You will want to do a local search of the wholesalers in your area. Be sure to jot down their phone numbers and then give each distributor a call. You are going to want to try and find wholesalers who have an overstock of the purses you are looking for.
Once you find a wholesaler who has the purse or purses you are interested in, you will want to pay them a visit so you can actually see the purse with your own two eyes. Keep in mind that you may have to spend a certain amount of money at many wholesalers. This can be $200, $300 or even higher. While visiting the wholesaler, you will want to be wary of buying fakes, so always ask for a certificate of authenticity before buying your purse.
Buying a designer purse at wholesale can be a great way of saving hundreds of dollars, but in return you will have to really do your homework and have a great deal of patience. When you finally find your prize, it will feel like it is worth its weight in gold!
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