subject: What Things Determine The Sex Or Gender Of A Baby? What Influences Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl? [print this page] What Things Determine The Sex Or Gender Of A Baby? What Influences Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl?
I have a few blogs set up to help couples who are trying to conceive a specific gender achieve this through natural, inexpensive methods that can work at home. I'm often asked "what exactly goes into determining the sex of the baby?" I'll answer this question in the following article. And, I'll tell you how (and why) these things work and how to make them best work for you, whether you're trying for a girl or boy baby.
Both The Mother And Father To Be (Male And Female) Play A Role InThe Baby's Gender: At the end of the day, the most persuasive thing that will determine your baby's sex is which sperm chromosome fertilizes the egg first. A Y chromosome fertilizing the egg will result in a son, while an X chromosome fertilizing an egg will result in a daughter. But, it's not as simple as it sounds. Many variables go into giving one chromosome an advantage over the other. Timing of conception, the sexual positions used, and the PH and acidity of the mother, all play a role in determining who will ultimately win this gender race.
But, to understand why this is so, you first need to understand that these chromosomes behave in different ways. The X sperm (girl) is very strong and hardy. It can live days without weakening or dying off and it's not affected as much by acidity. On the other hand, the Y (boy) sperm is very fast. In a fair race, it would likely win. But in gender selection, the race is rarely fair. That's because the Y sperm are also very weak. They can not live for more than a day or so without starting to weaken and die off. That's why the other variables I mentioned above (timing, sexual positions, and acidity and PH) can be so important in tipping the odds in your favor.
What It All Means In Terms Of Coming Up With A Plan To Get The Gender That You Want: Everything that I discuss in this article is meant to do the same thing. If you want to have a girl baby, we're trying to give the boy sperm the longest, hardest, most hostile trip to the egg as is possible so that it's their weakness (and not their speed) that comes into play. But, if you want a boy baby, you're trying to downplay the Y sperm's weakness and take advantage of it's speed. Below, I will discuss the ways to do this.
Timing And Your Baby's Sex Or Gender: Timing your conception to correspond with certain days of your fertility cycle can be a very effective way of giving your desired gender an advantage. If you want a daughter, you'd want to conceive around 3 days before you ovulate. This window is too long for many boy sperm to survive, but the stronger girl sperm will not be affected. Likewise, if you want a son, you should wait until the day of ovulation, as these weak little guys need the egg waiting for them, not the other way around.
I know this seems easy and straight forward and it should be, but so many people just guesstimate their window. They either assume that they ovulate halfway through their cycle or they try to chart their temperate or gage their cervical mucus. All of these methods are not as reliable as they should be. For this reason, I much prefer ovulation predictors, especially the saliva kind.
How Sexual Or Intercourse Positions Influence A Baby's Gender: So, again we're following the same idea that we want to give boy sperm a long trip to the egg if we want a female baby (and a short trip if we want a male.) Another way to do this is to use shallow penetration if we're trying to conceive a girl and deep penetration if you want a male baby. This is pretty easy for most couples to remember and accomplish, but it alone is usually not enough to give you high enough odds or to entirely eliminate the sperm chromosomes that you don't want. In order to really work, it must be used in conjunction with other methods, which leads me too.
How The Female Or Mother-To-Be's PH And Acidity Helps Determine A Baby's Sex: Hopefully, I've shown that although the man's sperm chromosomes are important, the female has a lot of affect on the baby's gender in terms of timing and sexual positions. However, her PH and acidity are also very important.
A woman with a high PH would be more likely to conceive a girl because Y sperm can not survive for long in this hostile environment. Likewise, a woman with a low PH would more likely get a boy, as this environment is more friendly to Y sperm who can then use their speed to their full advantage.
So, if you want a daughter, you'll need to raise this level. If you want a boy, you'll need to lower it. Other than timing, this is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle, but it scares a lot of people because it seems difficult. It doesn't have to be. First, get some PH testers at a health food store and learn your level. (It's likely you'll need to go up or down from where you already fall.) You do this by going on a high acid or low acid diet (depending on which gender you want.) Or, you can douche with specific formulas based on where your reading fell. For the quickest results, using both sometimes is more effective than choosing only one although you can achieve the desired results with only one of these, but it make take longer.
The beauty of this method is that you can continue to use the strips to determine your progress and when you're reached the level where you need to be. And, there are food lists and recipes that you can help you with this. It's important to address all of these variables for the best results. Just approach this in a step by step, logical way. Determine ovulation first. Then, test and achieve your optimal PH. Finally, when all systems are go, use the correct position to place the sperm closer or further away from the egg, depending on which gender you want.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources, douche recipes and food lists, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.
If you want a girl baby, check out
If you want a boy baby, check out
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