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subject: Prime Venue for Your Business Marketing; Reaching over 40 Million Households [print this page]

Prime Venue for Your Business Marketing; Reaching over 40 Million Households

Prime Venue for Your Business Marketing; Reaching over 40 Million Households

St. Cloud, Florida Electric Bear Studios announces a new prime venue for business marketing, reaching over 40 Million households!

No more spending thousands of dollars on TV commercials and marketing. Now it is your chance to reach those 40 million homes and receive the success you deserve.

No more spending $5,000 - $10,000how about being a part of a network that offers a 30 sec. advertising campaign ad, running it not one time but 15 times over for a fraction of that cost and an opportunity to make a residual income! This is a win win!

ElectricBear Studios was founded in 2005 in Florida by Sam L. Siragusa and his wife Barbara.

Together they have won several awards for productions, including 12 awards from the Florida Motion Picture and Television Association as well as the Dove Seal of Approval for safe family viewing. With his production background of over 25 years and her business management experience of over 20 years and they were excited to have started airing both "Krysta's Kingdom" and "Faces of Italy" on national US networks, on July 1st!

Electric Bear Studios started to look for advertisers who would like to take a 30 second ad, which Electric Bear Studios would make, and then commit to several air dates. Finding people in today's economy who would pay for the ad and the spots was a task not too many people would tackle, especially for smaller business owners who do not find advertising that is worth a price they can afford.

This is an innovative way of advertising involving small business owners!

For more information contact Barbara Siragura at, or visit their studio at

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