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subject: How To Control Your New Online Business [print this page]

There are many websites that claim anyone can make money online easily. This may be true to some extend as anyone taking action can produce a few bucks promoting affiliate programs or publishing Google ads. Unfortunately, making substantial money online needs much more knowledge and work.

In order to start making money online, one should take the adventure as a real business and not a quick money making scheme. Being penniless and without a job is not the best moment to start an online or off-line business. Money needs to be spent as an investment so any business can be initiated.

Most of the people believe that everything on the Internet is free. They think that they can use a bunch of free resources to get started. The drawback with those free resources is that the marketer is not in the driver's seat. Any free account someone has, may be suspended at any time for some reasons: policy violation, service terminated or changed to a paid upgrade...

There are many inexperienced newcomer marketers that use free domain registration, free hosting, free mailing list systems, free advertising, and the list continues. These marketers will understand some time later, when one of their free account has been canceled, that all the work they have put into making and promoting their website is for almost nothing! They may have not spent a dime but they have lost their time, and time is money! They have worked for free!

Fortunately, starting a business online is cheap. The main expenses that the new marketer would have are: domain name registration, a web hosting plan and a paid auto-responder system. In addition to that, some budget may be needed to outsource work that can't be done by oneself such as web or graphic design and writing articles.

The good news with Internet marketing is that a business can be started at any time with a minimal budget. Being employed, with a regular source of income, is ideal as time can be found after work or during week-ends to start part-time, without money worries. With a small monthly allowance kept for the online business and time spent to study how Internet marketing works, moving forward is possible with down-to-earth goals.

The smart things to do when starting an online business with a limited budget are:

- buy a domain name using one of the main registrars

- buy a basic web hosting plan

- make a blog or mini-site with Wordpress, which is a free software that can be installed on the paid hosting plan.

- use a paid auto-responder service to build a list

Other free tools and resources may be used as long as they are complementing the base of the business that the marketer has in his control. When web content and leads are own and safe on one's shared hosting plan, it is already a good start to earn money online...

by: Michel Gerard

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