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subject: Life is not paradise, for what is left for paradise if life is paradise? [print this page]

Life is not paradise, for what is left for paradise if life is paradise?

Life is not paradise, for what is left for paradise if life is paradise?

Life is not paradise, for what is left for paradise if life is paradise?

From birth to death we live in problems, we taste good and evil, we taste suffering and illness, bad times and good times. No one human being is immune to this. No one person has a guarantee from the sky that he shall live a pleasant life with flowers and songs. Life is a continuous struggle from birth to death.

We undergo the vicissitudes of life and cannot avoid it. We live in a body where it is always prone to displeasures as well as pleasures. We face everyday a different problem, being little or big, or super big. We submit ourselves to what life brings. We have to take the journey and manage in one way or the other.
Life is not paradise, for what is left for paradise if life is paradise?

Those who cannot put an end to their life and exit. But the show must go on. Losing a beloved one or a job or self-dignity are but few among others and the list is very long.

Now, if there are no problems and life is smooth and we feel all the time happy and pleasant, living in an ever lasting well being, then, this is paradise on earth.

But the nature of our life is such of a lingering on while facing all kinds of problems. This is so for what would be left for paradise, should we be enough lucky to go there. Life is a continual drama, with its sides of tragedy and comedy. We laugh and cry, we love and hate, we live and die.

If we look well into the drama side of life and ask the why question then we may catch a glimpse of the plausibility of another life where things are perfect and where those who merit reward in eternal felicity feel the difference.

The Bible informs that: We have created man and with the sweat of his front he shall eat his bread'. This explains why we suffer and have to live our life with its problems. But if you are not a believer then you may ask yourself the question of why the hell should I suffer and have problems? No convincing justifications can be offered to the disbeliever.

He has problems for he has to have problems. Karl Marx, being a disbeliever in God and an ardent enemy of religion, thought that this earthly life can be made as paradise, but his calculation was sterile and communism collapsed for it did not take into consideration that man can never be free and must suffer all his life.

He negated the existence of God but played the role of God. Man is not center of the universe but God is, This is where Marx failed to see the point. We are all subject to the vicissitudes of life and have to struggle and fight for our being and bread and butter. Life is not a class struggle but is a struggle with life itself.

It is not class strife but rather a strife for survival. Man has a brain to think and work out his own problems. All systems of education are oriented toward problem solving, for life is but this.

Yet, comparisons and contrasts of life with its problems with its illusory nature and transitory time table are made against eternal felicity in the hereafter that is real and everlasting. The plausibility of felicity in the hereafter is dependant on your own convictions that whoever made you can make you again, and whoever mad this universe is capable of making it again. Furthermore, who gave life a taste of hell and paradise can create hell and paradise.

Life has a taste of hell and paradise: whoever made life can create hell and paradise!

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