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Review: The Hawk by Alexander Kolle (revealed & free)

This is a very good package. The price is a bit steep, but then we are paying for someone's blood, sweat, and tears (with some mark-up for the house), so I completely understand.

I've read some of the reviews, and I'm confused as to how some of the people are getting caught so often with this gimmick. The only opportunity to get caught is during the "clean-up phase", and the only reason that should happen is because it's rushed, or unpracticed. Granted, the "on the floor" version leaves you a bit more susceptible, but considering the powerful reactions and extreme safety of the in-hand version, I don't see why you'd stray too far from it. In a somewhat low-light setting, the floor version would be basically flawless, so if you're worried about it ... save the floor version for the dimly lit restaurant or club.

>>>The Hawk by Alexander Kolle - free-click here

My concerns, once I watched the DVD, and attempted the trick for the first time, were less about someone seeing the gimmick at the end of the trick, but seeing it during the "pre-punch" segment. I had an idea during the DVD, and started doing it, only to find out that he actually recommends it during the "construction" portion of the disk. (this shouldn't be a spoiler, but if Penguin thinks it is, then no one will see this review) I would highly recommend getting some fine tipped permanent markers to touch-up color your gimmick (find a white marker too, believe it or not). From my experience, after that was completed ... this thing is completely stealth. Even the "move" that people keep referencing in their reviews isn't really a move at all. It's book 1, chapter 2 stuff from any card-handling book (recommend Giobbi's Card College btw). I'm very new to magic, and this "move" is so inconspicuous and miniscule that I'm not even the slightest bit nervous when executing it.

In my mind, this isn't strongest as a closing effect. It's extremely solid, but the REAL convincer for the people I've performed it for has been the fact that I complete the cleanup simply, allow the deck to be examined, and then proceed to use the same deck for a couple of more tricks before putting it away. I've even managed to collapse it into my "8-trick setup deck" (9 now) and completed 4-5 of the others before even leading into the ACR/Hawk.

If you don't try to over-convince, don't dawdle with the deck completely still after the punch for more than a couple of seconds, and don't rush the clean-up phase, this thing goes off without a hitch. I've done it multiple times now, after approximately 2 hours of practice, and it kills.

Final tips:

1. When the gimmick is touched up and added to the deck, you're going to have to work with it to get it worn in a bit. Don't get discouraged when it's getting stuck here and there the first few times.

2. The simpler the clean-up, the better. The signed card takes all of the heat off of you. They go into 4-5 clean-ups ... start with the easiest one, and build on it yourself.

3. Don't do what he says as he says it. Watch the explanation once before even taking the gimmick out of the DVD case. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

I hope this helps.

>>>The Hawk by Alexander Kolle - free-click here

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