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ZamZuu Review
ZamZuu Review

If you are reading this ZamZuu review and are wondering if this is a business that you should join or is it still YTB International just under a different company name. In this ZamZuu Review, I will be revealing all the findings that I discovered doing my research. I am not a distributor with this company, nor do I plan to be this is a unbiased third party.

If you are wondering if ZamZuu is affiliated with YTB International, the answer is yes. ZamZuu is a spin off of YTB. Before the company was YTB it was ShopYTB. Some of the comparisons are the same with YTB The concept is the same, when people shop on your website you are able to get cash back rewards and commissions on the sales.

ZamZuu Review of the leadership Team

After doing research on the management team in this ZamZuu Review, I found out that the management team has not changed. The have the same management team and the same field leaders when they were YTB International.

A ZamZuu Review of the Company

I was impressed with the company's strategy to turn this company into a huge shopping network. This is a very clever business plan, most people are turning to the internet to shop and they are capitalizing on that concept. ZamZuu promises that this will be any shoppers "Ultimate Shopping Experience". ZamZuu has over 700 stores that customers can shop at. These stores are brand stores like Nordstrom, Target, The Disney Store, Office Depot, Kohl's and hundreds more. They also have specialty stores that you can shop at like Gina Alexander, JolieCou, and Diamond Ice Prints.

ZamZuu Review of the Compensation Plan

One thing that the company did change was the entry fees into the company. To join ZamZuu you pay $250 and you are on your way.You are responsible for paying a $50 recurring month charge for you website. As a distributor, you will be paid a commission of 50-60% off of purchases through your website. When you bring other distributors into the business, you will be paid commissions. You can then earn other bonuses like matching bonus, power bonus and the opportunity to earn residual income. When you reach a rank of Director, you will have life insurance and health insurance. In this ZamZuu Review, I can reveal that this company is not a scam. You have the opportunity to really grow with this company and earn some serious commission checks. The compensation plan is very solid and you will be able to make a lucrative profit. The opportunities with this company is huge if you are sending a lot of traffic to your website.

I think that ZamZuu is a great opportunity but with any network marketing business or MLM Business you have to have leads. Of course you are going to shop there and get your friends and family to but if you want to build a huge down line and enable yourself to make more sales; you need more that just you and your friends. Some people do with just recruiting family and friends but the most part you will not. The first steps to having success in ZamZuu is to learn how to drive traffic with an attraction marketing funnel. An Attraction marketing funnel will give you the training that you need, help you generate leads, teach you how to build a down line and allow you to make multiple streams of income. This have been an unbiased ZamZuu.

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