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Free money for poker
Free money for poker

Most common and popular poker promotions are the ones that promise free money for poker or free poker money. Lately there are many ads that promise to give new player the chance to play free poker without their own money.

Here comes the never ending question from the players part: Are these offers for real? The answer is yes, there are sites that give away free money for poker but most of the time things are not as simple as written in the advertisements. To understand how free money offers really work you should know that nobody gives the money directly in your pocket, the money is given to play poker.

The promised money can come from two sources, either from affiliated poker sites or from poker rooms directly. For affiliated sites its a win-win situation, they do profit if you qualify for the free money offer as they recieve a percent from the rake, so the better player you are the more rake you generate, the more they earn. The good part is that you as a player also get few advantages such as playing for real money without any deposit. Another great advantage is that this bonus can be cleared and even withdrawn if enough hands are played.

Ok so now you know how things work, here are a few sites that are trusted and really give the money they promise if you qualify and there are no hidden deposits to be made: PokerStrategy, PokerSpace, PokerNetOnline and YourPokerCash. Some of the mentioned sites require a short quiz or also called test to be passed others only require an ID or drivers license confirmation, either way these requirements are easy to complete.

Whenever you opt for a free money promotion for poker make sure you are new to the selected poker room, that you have at least 18 years old and you country is accepted for the offer. For any questions just leave a comment below. Good luck at the tables!

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