subject: New Year Detox To Drop Those Holiday Pounds [print this page] New Year Detox To Drop Those Holiday Pounds
If you are worried because of holiday over indulging and those extra holiday pounds, then this article will tell you how to remedy the results of all that glorious food and drink with a New Year Detox.
When was the last time you truly felt healthy and energetic? You are lucky if you can say, today. Most of us cannot!! Our lifestyles are taking their toll on our bodies. We all need to detoxify our bodies occasionally and give them a treat.
It's interesting that we go to hairdressers, take manicures and pedicures, massages, etc., and even maybe go to a gym. But what about the inside of our bodies? Because we cannot see it, we ignore it until something goes wrong and we have to visit a doctor.
You buy a car and have it serviced regularly, change the oil, top off the water, check the tires. You know if you do not do this, your car will break down. Our bodies are also machines. To run efficiently, they too need regular maintenance.
Over Christmas and New Year, we all indulge. Office parties, family gatherings and even at home, we eat and drink so much. So, what is your New Year Resolution going to be? How about a New Year detox? You can do a lot of good for yourself with a fast detox.
* Give your body inside and out a full service. Once you have finished all your feasting and partying, pick a few days after New Year when you can do a body cleanse. At first when you begin, you may feel tired and low on energy, but this is normal when you are on a fast detox. It is just a sign that the toxins are leaving your body.
* Cut out all the things that are bad for your detox and cancel out benefits, such as alcohol, caffeine, smoking, and processed foods. (You know what they are!)
* Plus drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and freshly made fruit juices, vegetable juices, and herbal teas. Eat lots of fresh fruit, salads, vegetables and full grain foods.
*Take up some enjoyable exercise, even if it walking or swimming. If you can, do something that works up a sweat, as this rids the body of even more toxins at a faster rate.
*There are herbal cleansing enhancers available that help you in your goal to eliminate toxins from your body.
When you have finished your few days detoxing, your bowel should be working more efficiently, your skin should glow, and your energy levels should be higher. As I told you earlier, this is a body service inside and out, and it will leave you feeling energized to start your New Year.
Try to do this 3-4 times a year, just as you would service your car. That way, you will stay feeling good throughout the year until the next round of Christmas and New Year parties. Good wishes for Christmas and New Year and don't forget your New Year Resolution for a New Year Detox!
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