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subject: How To Make Creative Glass Gel Candles For Your Home Candle Business [print this page]

How To Make Creative Glass Gel Candles For Your Home Candle Business

How To Make Creative Glass Gel Candles For Your Home Candle Business

Home based candle makers have the chance to make a range of individualized candles in a way that commercial candle makers just cannot do because of the volume they have to make and the pre-orders they have to fill. The uniqueness that at a home candle maker can add to their glass gel candles leaves the commercial arena way behind. Glass gel candles look absolutely fabulous and home candle makers are doing so well with them because they can make them look individual. A creative candle maker can have their candles standing out from the crowd with their unique touches.Gel candles have that little individuality and home candle makers can create sales by visiting local reception centers and shops to sell their wares. By using a variety of embeds in the gel it is possible to make a lot of different candle scenes in gel candles.Gel candles have endless potential because the wax can be colored, it can be layered, have embeds placed in the wax and even have candle fragrance to match. All of these give the candle maker so much variety and possible chances of individuality.Given that these glass gel candles do not need specific molds are poured into their own glass makes it easy to use various shapes, but they must have a wide mouth and be of a reasonable thickness.Here are some ideas for popular themes:Bell shaped gel candle: use a bell shaped glass for Christmas candles and use festive colors to make festive gel candles and they will be a real treat for Xmas tables and around the house during the holiday season.Sea theme gel candles: Use fish bowl shaped glasses and create a sea scene using blues, greens and white and sea-like inserts.Ice-cream glass gel candle: using different colored gel layers create an ice cream look in these glasses.Mosaic gel candle: Use any shaped glass and pour any color gel wax into it. Now insert small glass pieces of different color, or even the same color, to create a mosaic like effect within the gel. Using the same method other decorations can be used instead to create a different effect.Champagne glass gel candles: Take a nice champagne glass and fill it with light colored wax and insert small crystal beads or embed clear crystals. This will give it a champagne look and is best to be used for weddings and other celebrated moments.These are some of the glass gel candles can be made, but when you think about it, there are lots of different glass shapes that lend themselves to this type of candle making. It all depends on individual creativity. Though these candles are a little more time consuming than the ordinary wax ones, they are definitely worth it.Gel wax has that beautiful translucence which customers find so beautiful and by having several ranges available I am sure if you have a home candle making business you will do well with your range.

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