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subject: Plastic Surgery: What To Ask Your Surgeon [print this page]

Undergoing any type of surgery, cosmetic or otherwise, should be taken very seriously. You may be nervous about the procedure, or are wondering about the recovery period-asking your surgeon the right questions can help you to minimize your downtime and give you peace of mind as you head into your surgical appointment.

Plastic surgery is undergone for a variety of reasons, both to enhance and dramatically change appearances depending on the preference of the patient. It is important to have realistic expectations of the outcome of your surgery and to understand what the actual treatment entails, the risks associated with it, and the healing downtime involved.

There are many questions you can ask your surgeon to ensure you are fully prepared and that you are making the right choice for yourself before committing to a cosmetic procedure. Some examples of helpful points to consider include:

How long will it take for me to heal?

There is a difference between downtime and healing time. Most cosmetic procedures have a down time of just a few days, but it can take weeks or even months before you are fully healed and can see the final results of your treatment.

What are the risks?

As with any type of invasive procedure, cosmetic surgical treatments carry some degree of risk, mostly for infection. This can be eliminated by asking your surgeon about their other successful operations, checking around with other patients, and ensuring everything is done in a hygienic manner. You will also need to follow any aftercare instructions you are provided very strictly to avoid infection and you may be provided with a course of prescription antibiotics.

What can I expect?

After your operation, expect to feel swelling and bruising in whatever area you have had work done on. In some cases you may need to have fluid drained from that part of the body. Most surgeons recommend going for subtle changes, particularly if you are in the market for some form of facial lift or reshaping.

Liposuction and breast augmentation are areas that doctors also typically encourage moderation in. Many doctors can provide you with photo realistic renderings of the expected outcome of your procedure, so this can give you a good idea of what you will look like once you have completely healed. Remember that in some cases it can take up to six months or more before the final results are truly visible.

Your surgeon should be able to explain the entire procedure to you in detail as well, in case you are curious about what exactly will be happening when you are under anesthetic. Always go over any pre-existing health issues you may have, regardless of how un-related they may seem, to ensure your safety throughout the process.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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