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subject: Provillus Reviews – Understanding Why Provillus Works [print this page]

Provillus Reviews Understanding Why Provillus Works

You have probably already heard of Provillus, the all natural hair loss product. You have also probably read through waves of Provillus reviews and have read all about the positive reviews. But why exactly does it work, and why you should or should not give it a go?

For a lot of middle aged men and women, hair loss is a struggle that they deal with daily. Hair loss can be attributed to diet, genetics or stress levels. Many have turned to wigs or hair implants but both are troublesome and expensive.

Provillus is a supplement made with natural ingredients such as nettle root and palmetto. It has safe ingredients like vitamins and zinc as well. Most Provillus reviews have shown it to have almost no undesired side effects.

Provillus reviews have shared that how it works is to impair the effect of DHT, a substance that weakens the hair follicles and slows down hair growth. By impairing the effect of DHT, what happens is that your hair follicles remain active and in the early stages of use, it helps to first stop hair from falling out and then subsequently encourages the growth of new hair.

One of the more common tips given in Provillus reviews is to not give up too soon. It may take around 3 months to see results and it varies from person to person. An advantage of this hair loss product is that is catered for men and women. There are two variations of the product that is tweaked to suit each gender better.

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