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Assassin's Creed Review
Assassin's Creed Review

Single player- AC:B's story mode is fantastic, tons of stuff to do that took me well past the 20 hour mark of play games to get everything and all of the achievements which very few games can give you, yes im looking at you Call of Duty. This free games is great, as always, although a bit easy at times. But the game balances out the easy combat with VERY challenging missions. The only things that are not good with the shooting games it the story itself compared to AC2

The game mostly takes place in Rome, with the exception of a few flashback sequences and side missions, and a few segments as Desmond in the present which are easily the best sequences the series has offered yet. The overall story, not just Ezio's crusade for talking about Desmond and the Templar's, and the ever approaching utterly mind blowing again, just as it was in AC2. Rome itself is easiest the single best environment ever created in a video game. And thats not an exaggeration at all, it is just that good.

Multiplayer- Honestly, AC:B's multiplayer is the most rewarding and satisfying online experience you are likely to find these days. The nicest thing about this game it's the play games itself sine the hunter will also be hunted at the same time amidst spectacular city environments and vistas full of detail and different things to interact with, is amazing.

It's tense and fun and never frustrating as whether you do good or bad, is completely dependent on how you play. One reviewer said it's mostly based on luck and chance....but that just not true as any SKILLED player will tell you. You don't run around in this game looking for a kill, if you do, you will get taken out quite quickly. You have use stealth and blending methods that you're introduced to in the single player. You have a huge variety of ways to kill your target and gain more points for being hidden or stealthy and creative in your killing with plenty of things to unlock as you level up. Finally a multiplayer that is worth coming back to.

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