subject: Compare Leading Payday Lenders Before Applying To Get The Best Deal [print this page] Once you are in a sort of a financial crisis and decide to get a payday loan, you have to choose a payday lender, which suits your needs. Internet is an efficient source to compare available payday lenders. While choosing among lenders, many people are unaware of the parameters to look for. You have to evaluate the terms and conditions along with the other features to find the highest quality amidst lenders. A complete comparison requires the viewing of several parameters. Some of them are:
Many people first search for the APR (Annual premium Rate) of every payday lenders. But truly speaking it does not matter, as the nature of the payday loans is such that the interest rate is not calculated on an annual basis at all. These are short term loans and are meant only for short durations. So first of all,decide the duration for which you have to apply for the loan. Then look for the repayment amount for that duration amidst all the lenders. This is a more precise option when compared to APR method.
Another important point is that some lenders charge for filling the application form. This amount is sometimes deducted from the sanctioned loan amount. Try to go through the terms and conditions of the lender, to find a one with no such charges. Also the repayment policy differs from lender to lender. Some lenders allow you to repay the entire loan amount before the due date while other payday lenders will not allow that. Some lenders give some flexibility in the repayment plans, like you can pay in installments. So it would be better to choose a lender with a flexible repayment policy.
Try to look for the contact details of the lender. Good and transparent payday loan companies will provide all the details like contact address, phone number, email id etc. in his website. This will help a consumer if he wants to alter the repayment policy or has any doubt and wants to clarify it. Also while reading the terms and conditions, if you have any doubt, clarify it using the lenders help desk. You can mail or call the lender immediately and clarify it before applying. Before applying for a payday loan, think whether you can repay the full amount on the agreed repayment date. If you cannot repay the amount then the finance charges imposed by payday loan lenders will increase. As a result, you have to pay more than the amount you borrowed. So try to repay the payday loan as soon as possible.
It is always advisable not to go directly to a particular payday lender as you will never really know, if you are getting the best rates and features that are available in the market. The best way to find a lender,is to look for the payday loan lenders comparison website. They provide you with all the statistics that you need when you shop for a payday loan.
by: Steven Francis
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